
[sɒkʹdɒlədʒə] n амер. сл.
1. решающий удар или довод
2. двойной рыболовный крючок
3. нечто огромное, махина, громадина

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sockdolager" в других словарях:

  • Sockdolager — Sock*dol a*ger, n. [A corruption of doxology.] [Written also {sockdologer}.] 1. That which finishes or ends a matter; a settler; a poser, as a heavy blow, a conclusive answer, and the like. [Slang, U.S.] [1913 Webster] 2. (Angling) A combination… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sockdolager — 1830, a decisive blow, fanciful formation from SOCK (Cf. sock) (v.) hit hard; also said to be a variant of DOXOLOGY (Cf. doxology), on a notion of finality. The meaning something exceptional is attested from 1838. Sockdologising was nearly the… …   Etymology dictionary

  • sockdolager — ☆ sockdolager or sockdologer [säk däl′ə jər ] n. [metathetic alteration (infl. by SOCK2) < DOXOLOGY (in sense of “conclusion”) + ER] [Old Slang] Slang former 1. something final or decisive, as a heavy blow 2. something outstanding …   English World dictionary

  • sockdolager — /sok dol euh jeuhr/, n. Older Slang. 1. something unusually large, heavy, etc. 2. a decisive reply, argument, etc. 3. a heavy, finishing blow: His right jab is a real sockdolager. [1820 30, Amer.; SOCK2 + dolager, of uncert. orig.] * * * …   Universalium

  • sockdolager — or sockdologer noun Etymology: origin unknown Date: circa 1830 1. something that settles a matter ; a decisive blow or answer ; finisher 2. something outstanding or exceptional …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sockdolager — noun a) a hard hit, a knockout or finishing blow I gave the fellow a socdolager over his head with the barrel of my gun, b) something exceptional The thunder would go rumbling and grumbling away, and quit and then rip comes another flash and… …   Wiktionary

  • sockdolager — Synonyms and related words: KO, clincher, conclusive argument, crusher, death stroke, deathblow, end all, ender, final stroke, finisher, finishing stroke, floorer, kayo, kayo punch, knockdown argument, knockout, knockout blow, last dab, quietus,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • sockdolager — n. settler, thing that settles; decisive argument; hard hit or remark; something remarkable; joining of two hooks that close on top each other with a spring when the fish bites …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sockdolager — sock·dol·a·ger …   English syllables

  • sockdolager — sock•dol•a•ger [[t]sɒkˈdɒl ə dʒər[/t]] n. Older Slang. 1) sts something unusually large, etc 2) sts a decisive reply, argument, etc 3) sts a heavy, finishing blow • Etymology: 1820–30, amer.; sock II+ dolager, of uncert. orig …   From formal English to slang

  • sockdolager — …   Useful english dictionary

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