- beeswax
- bees-wax
1> (пчелиный) воск
bees-wax candle восковая свеча
2> _сл. вм. business
none of your bees-wax! не лезь не в свое дело!
3> натирать воском
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Beeswax — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Beeswax» Canción de Nirvana Álbum Incesticide Publicación 14 de diciembre de 1992 … Wikipedia Español
beeswax — ► NOUN 1) wax secreted by bees to make honeycombs, used for wood polishes and candles. 2) N. Amer. informal a person s concern: that s none of your beeswax … English terms dictionary
Beeswax — Bees wax , n. The wax secreted by bees, and of which their cells are constructed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
beeswax — 1670s, from genitive of BEE (Cf. bee) + WAX (Cf. wax). As a jocular alteration of business (usually in an injunction to someone to mind his own) attested from 1934 in Lower East Side slang as reproduced in Henry Roth s Call It Sleep … Etymology dictionary
beeswax — [bēz′waks΄] n. a tallowlike substance that honeybees secrete and use for building their honeycomb: it is used in candles, polishes, etc … English World dictionary
Beeswax — For the rock song by Nirvana, see Beeswax (song). Beeswax is a natural wax produced in the bee hive of honey bees of the genus Apis . Beeswax is produced by young worker bees between 12 and 17 days old in the form of thin scales secreted by… … Wikipedia
beeswax — Wax Wax, n. [AS. weax; akin to OFries. wax, D. was, G. wachs, OHG. wahs, Icel. & Sw. vax, Dan. vox, Lith. vaszkas, Russ. vosk .] [1913 Webster] 1. A fatty, solid substance, produced by bees, and employed by them in the construction of their comb; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
beeswax — /beez waks /, n. 1. wax1 (def. 1). v.t. 2. to rub or treat with beeswax. [1670 80; BEE1 + S1 + WAX1] * * * Commercially useful wax secreted by worker honeybees to make the cell walls of the honeycomb. A bee consumes an estimated 6–10 lbs (3–4.5… … Universalium
beeswax — /ˈbizwæks/ (say beezwaks) noun 1. the wax secreted by bees, of which they construct their honeycomb; wax. –verb (t) 2. to rub, polish, or treat with beeswax. –phrase Colloquial (humorous) 3. be none of someone s beeswax, to not involve someone… …
beeswax — [“bizwaeks] n. business; concern. (See also mind your own beeswax; none of someone’s beeswax.) □ Is this any of your beeswax? □ Tend to your own beeswax … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
beeswax — noun 1》 the wax secreted by bees to make honeycombs, used in making wood polishes and candles. 2》 N. Amer. informal a person s concern: that s none of your beeswax. verb polish (furniture) with beeswax … English new terms dictionary