- soccer
- [ʹsɒkə] n
футбол (по правилам Национальной ассоциации футболистов Великобритании)
soccer player - футболист
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
soccer player - футболист
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Soccer AM — Format Football/Comedy Starring Helen Chamberlain (1995–present) Max Rushden (2008–present) Andy Goldstein … Wikipedia
soccer — SÓCCER s.n. Nume al unei variante a jocului de fotbal în care folosirea mâinilor este complet interzisă. [pron. sokă. / < engl. soccer]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 14.03.2006. Sursa: DN SOCCER [SÓCĂR] s. n. variantă a jocului de fotbal în care… … Dicționar Român
soccer — ● soccer nom masculin (mot anglo américain) Football. (Employé particulièrement aux États Unis et au Canada, par opposition à football américain). soccer n. m. (Québec) Football. (Le mot football est réservé au football américain.) soccer [sɔkœʀ] … Encyclopédie Universelle
soccer — 1889, socca, later socker (1891), soccer (1895), originally university slang (with jocular formation ER (Cf. er) (3)), from a shortened form of Assoc., abbreviation of ASSOCIATION (Cf. association) in Football Association (as opposed to Rugby… … Etymology dictionary
soccer — ► NOUN ▪ a form of football played with a round ball which may not be handled during play except by the goalkeepers, the object being to score goals by kicking or heading the ball into the opponents goal. ORIGIN shortening of Assoc from… … English terms dictionary
soccer — [säk′ər] n. [altered < (AS)SOC(IATION FOOTBALL)] a game played with a round ball by two teams, usually of eleven players, on a field with a goal at either end: the ball is moved chiefly by kicking or by using any part of the body except the… … English World dictionary
Soccer — Football Pour les articles homonymes, voir Football (homonymie). Football Soccer … Wikipédia en Français
soccer — noun ⇨ See also ↑football ADJECTIVE ▪ amateur, pro (AmE), professional ▪ top class ▪ junior, kids (esp. AmE), senior … Collocations dictionary
Soccer — Soc|cer 〈[ sɔ̣kə(r)] m.; s; unz.; amerikan. Bez. für〉 Fußballspiel [<engl. association football „Fußballverband“] * * * Soc|cer [ sɔkɐ], das, auch: der; s [engl. soccer, zu einer Kurzform »soc.« aus: association football = Verbandsfußball]:… … Universal-Lexikon
Soccer — Fußballszene Fußball ist ein Ballsport, bei dem zwei Mannschaften mit je elf Spielern (einem Torhüter und zehn Feldspielern) gegeneinander antreten. Ziel ist es, den Ball möglichst oft im gegnerischen Tor unterzubringen. Fußball wird vorwiegend… … Deutsch Wikipedia
soccer — [19] Soccer was coined from Association football, a term introduced around 1870 for football played according to the rules of the Football Association (as opposed to Rugby football). The suffix er was commonly used as a more or less meaningless… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins