
[ʹsnɜ:fıŋ] n спорт.
снеговой сёрфинг
[snow + surfing]

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "snurfing" в других словарях:

  • snurfing — Snorting/grunting sound infant makes whenpicked up. Also describes an affectionate child, or, as a derrogatory, to imply that someone is brown nosing. My son, Alec, is the king of the snurfers. He s been snurfing since he was 3 days old …   Dictionary of american slang

  • snurfing — Snorting/grunting sound infant makes whenpicked up. Also describes an affectionate child, or, as a derrogatory, to imply that someone is brown nosing. My son, Alec, is the king of the snurfers. He s been snurfing since he was 3 days old …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Snowboarding — A snowboarder making a turn in fresh snow. First played 1960s, United States Characteristics Categorization Outdoor Equipment Snowboard deck …   Wikipedia

  • Snurfer — The Snurfer was the first marketed snowboard. The Snurfer was created in 1965 by Sherman Poppen in Muskegon, Michigan. Poppen was outside his house one day sledding with his daughters, when his 11 year old was going down the hill, standing on her …   Wikipedia

  • Sherman Poppen — Snurfer Diagramme du brevet du Snurfer ((US 3378274) Le snurfer est l ancêtre direct du snowboard moderne. Il a été créé en 1965 par Sherman Poppen, à Muskegon, dans le Michigan. Poppen observait ses filles faire de la luge lorsque l une d entre… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Snurfer — Diagramme du brevet du Snurfer ((US 3378274) Le snurfer est l ancêtre direct du snowboard moderne. Il a été créé en 1965 par Sherman Poppen, à Muskegon, dans le Michigan. Poppen observait ses filles faire de la luge lorsque l une d entre elles,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • snurfer — Snorting/grunting sound infant makes whenpicked up. Also describes an affectionate child, or, as a derrogatory, to imply that someone is brown nosing. My son, Alec, is the king of the snurfers. He s been snurfing since he was 3 days old …   Dictionary of american slang

  • snurfer — Snorting/grunting sound infant makes whenpicked up. Also describes an affectionate child, or, as a derrogatory, to imply that someone is brown nosing. My son, Alec, is the king of the snurfers. He s been snurfing since he was 3 days old …   Dictionary of american slang

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