

1> _сл. вор постельного белья (с веревок)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "snowdropper" в других словарях:

  • snowdropper — n British someone who steals clothing, usually lingerie from washing lines, in the lan guage of vagrants, police and prisoners. The term first referred (in the early 19th century) to the theft of clothes due to poverty; it now often denotes the… …   Contemporary slang

  • snowdrop — I. /ˈsnoʊdrɒp / (say snohdrop) noun 1. a low spring blooming herb, Galanthus nivalis, bearing drooping white flowers. 2. its bulbous root or flower. 3. the snowflake, a plant of the genus Leucojum. {snow + drop} II. /ˈsnoʊdrɒp / (say snohdrop)… …  

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