- snob appeal
- [ʹsnɒbə͵pi:l]
привлекательность для снобов (высокая цена, заграничное происхождение и другие свойства товара, рассчитанные на снобизм или мещанские устремления покупателя)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Snob-Appeal — Snob Ap|peal [snɔp|ə pi:l], (auch:) Snob|ap|peal, der [engl. snob appeal, zu: appeal, ↑Appeal] (bildungsspr.): von einem Snob, von etw. Snobistischem ausgehende [reizvolle] Wirkung, Ausstrahlung … Universal-Lexikon
snob appeal — noun : qualities in a product (as high price, rarity, foreign origin, or association with an elite) that appeal to the snobbery in a purchaser whatever advantage the domestic has in price is offset by the imported s snob appeal Barrett McGurn the … Useful english dictionary
Snob-Appeal — Snob Ap|peal, auch Snob|ap|peal [snɔp|ə pi:l, snɔp...] der; s: Wirkung, Ansehen, über das ein Snob verfügt; [reizvolle] Ausstrahlung, die von einem Snob od. etwas Snobistischen ausgeht … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
snob appeal — noun Date: 1933 qualities in a product that appeal to the snobbery in a purchaser … New Collegiate Dictionary
snob — [snɔb US sna:b] n [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: snob shoemaker, person of low social rank (18 19 centuries)] 1.) someone who thinks they are better than people from a lower social class used to show disapproval ▪ Stop being such a snob. ▪ I don t… … Dictionary of contemporary English
appeal — I n. request request for review 1) to make an appeal 2) (legal) to file, lodge, make; lose; win an appeal 3) (legal) to take an appeal to a higher court 4) (also legal) to deny, dismiss, reject, throw out an appeal 5) a desperate, urgent;… … Combinatory dictionary
snob — noun (C) 1 someone who thinks they are better than people from a lower social class and dislikes being with them or doing the things they do: John wouldn t go to a football match, he s too much of a snob. 2 intellectual snob someone who thinks… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Snobappeal — Snob Ap|peal [snɔp|ə pi:l], (auch:) Snob|ap|peal, der [engl. snob appeal, zu: appeal, ↑Appeal] (bildungsspr.): von einem Snob, von etw. Snobistischem ausgehende [reizvolle] Wirkung, Ausstrahlung … Universal-Lexikon
snobappeal — snob appeal n. Qualities that seem to substantiate social or intellectual pretensions. * * * … Universalium
Peter David — For the Grenadian politician, see Peter David (politician). Peter David David at the New York Comic Con in Manhattan, October 14, 2011. Born September 23, 1956 (1956 09 23) … Wikipedia
unread bestseller — (UN.red best.sel.ur) n. A book that many people purchase but few read in its entirety. Example Citation: There s the National Book Critics Circle Awards, another nice high culture opportunity for Jonathan Franzen, author of jumbo unread… … New words