- snippet
- [ʹsnıpıt] n
1. 1) обрезок, кусочек2) отрывок, кусок, фрагмент
snippets of information - обрывки сведений, обрывочные сведения
2. разг.1) коротышка2) пустой человек, ничтожество
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
snippets of information - обрывки сведений, обрывочные сведения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Snippet — steht für: Snippet (Musik), ein Zusammenschnitt von Songausschnitten im Hip Hop ein kurzes Stück Quellcode ein kurzer Textauszug aus einer Webseite, angezeigt in der Ergebnisliste einer Suchmaschine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Snippet — est un terme de programmation informatique pour une petite région réutilisable de code source ou de texte. Ordinairement, ce sont des unités formellement définies à incorporer dans des modules plus larges. La gestion de snippets est une… … Wikipédia en Français
Snippet — Snip pet, n. A small part or piece. [1913 Webster] To be cut into snippets and shreds. F. Harrison. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Snippet — (Programacion): Es un termino del idioma ingles utilizado en programación para referirse a pequeñas partes reusables de código fuente, código binario o texto. Comunmente son definidas como unidades o metodos funcionales que se pueden integrar… … Wikipedia Español
snippet — 1660s, diminutive form of SNIP (Cf. snip) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
snippet — ► NOUN ▪ a small piece or brief extract … English terms dictionary
snippet — [snip′it] n. [dim. of SNIP] a small piece, scrap, or portion, specif. of information, of a book, etc … English World dictionary
snippet — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ brief, little, small ▪ brief snippets of interviews ▪ interesting ▪ The guidebook is full of interesting snippets of information … Collocations dictionary
Snippet — A snippet, defined as a small piece of something, may in more specific contexts refer to:* Snippet (programming), a short reusable piece of computer source code * Sampling (music), the use of a short phrase of a recording as an element in a new… … Wikipedia
snippet — [[t]snɪ̱pɪt[/t]] snippets N COUNT: oft N of n A snippet of something is a small piece of it. ...snippets of popular classical music... I read a snippet she had cut from a magazine … English dictionary
snippet — UK [ˈsnɪpɪt] / US [ˈsnɪpət] noun [countable] Word forms snippet : singular snippet plural snippets a small piece of something, especially information or news … English dictionary