
1. [snaıd] n сл.
1. фальшивая драгоценность; фальшивая монета
2. (паршивый) человечишка
2. [snaıd] a сл.
1. фальшивый, поддельный, фальсифицированный
2. 1) нечестный

snide merchant - мошенник-купец

2) мошеннический, обманный

snide bill - законопроект, рассчитанный на обман (масс)

3. 1) жалкий, ничтожный

a snide job in a snide town - жалкое место в жалком городишке

2) подлый, низкий

snide trick - подлый трюк

4. злобный, язвительный

snide remark - ехидное замечание

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "snide" в других словарях:

  • Snide — Snide, a. 1. Tricky; deceptive; contemptible; as, a snide lawyer; snide goods. [Slang, archaic] [1913 Webster] 2. derogatory in an insinuating manner; as, a snide remark. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • snide — [snaıd] adj informal if you say something snide, you say something unkind, often in a clever, indirect way snide remarks/comments ▪ a snide remark about her clothes >snidely adv …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • snide´ly — snide «snyd», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. mean or spiteful in a sly way; slyly insinuating; derogatory: »a snide remark. SYNONYM(S): disparaging. 2. dishonest: »a snide trickster. –n. 1. a dishonest person; …   Useful english dictionary

  • snide — [ snaıd ] adjective deliberately unkind in an indirect way ╾ snide|ly adverb …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • snide — ► ADJECTIVE 1) derogatory or mocking in an indirect way. 2) chiefly N. Amer. devious and underhand. 3) informal counterfeit or inferior. ► NOUN ▪ a snide person or remark. DERIVATIVES snidely adverb snidey …   English terms dictionary

  • snide — [snīd] adj. [orig., counterfeit, bogus < thieves slang, prob. of Du dial. or Ger orig. < base of Ger schneiden, to cut, with reference to coin clipping and, later, to cutting remarks] slyly malicious or derisive [a snide remark] snidely adv …   English World dictionary

  • snide — 1859, thieves slang counterfeit, sham, of unknown origin. Of persons, cunning, sharp, from 1883. Sense of sneering is first attested 1933 …   Etymology dictionary

  • snide — [adj] hateful, nasty base, cynical, disparaging, hurtful, insinuating, malicious, mean, sarcastic, scornful, sneering, spiteful, unkind; concept 401 Ant. gentle, kind, lovable, loving, nice …   New thesaurus

  • snide — [[t]sna͟ɪd[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A snide comment or remark is one which criticizes someone in an unkind and often indirect way. He made a snide comment about her weight... They kept making snide remarks about each other... She couldn t tell… …   English dictionary

  • snide — adjective Etymology: origin unknown Date: circa 1859 1. a. false, counterfeit b. practicing deception ; dishonest < a snide merchant > 2. unworthy of esteem ; low < a …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • snide — [[t]snaɪd[/t]] adj. snid•er, snid•est derogatory in a nasty, insinuating manner: snide remarks[/ex] • Etymology: 1860–65; orig. uncert. snide′ly, adv. snide′ness, n …   From formal English to slang

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