- smoko
- [ʹsməʋkəʋ] n австрал. сл.
1. перекур
to break for a smoko - сделать перекур
2. вечеринка; совместное развлечение (о концерте и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to break for a smoko - сделать перекур
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Smoko — (also smoke o or smoke oh ) is a term used in Australian English, New Zealand English and Falkland Islands English for a short, often informal, cigarette break taken during work or military duty, although the term can also be used to describe any … Wikipedia
Smoko — Gemälde Smoko time with the AWLA Smoko (auch smoke o oder smoke oh ) ist ein vorwiegend im australischen, neuseeländischen und falkländischen Englisch gebräuchlicher Slangbegriff für eine kurze Rauchpause während der Arbeit oder des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
smoko — n. (pl. os) Austral. & NZ colloq. 1 a stoppage of work for a rest and a smoke. 2 a tea break. * * * smoko 7 [smoko smokos] [ˈsməʊkəʊ] [ˈsmoʊkoʊ] noun (pl. smokos) … Useful english dictionary
Smoko Mount — is a mountain on East Falkland, Falkland Islands, [Strange, Ian (1983) The Falkland Islands ] A smoko is the Falkland Islands English for a smoking break.References … Wikipedia
smoko — /smoh koh/, n., pl. smokos. Australia and New Zealand Informal. 1. a rest period during work. 2. an informal evening entertainment, esp. for males. Also, smoke oh. [1895 1900; SMOKE + O] * * * … Universalium
smoko — noun /ˈsməʊkəʊ/ a) A cigarette break from work or military duty, often used onboard ship. b) Any similar break from work for a drink, rest, snack, etc … Wiktionary
Smoko — 1. smoke, tea or coffee break; 2. any informal gathering … Dictionary of Australian slang
smoko — I Australian Slang 1. smoke, tea or coffee break; 2. any informal gathering II Kiwi (New Zealand Slang) break, rest period … English dialects glossary
smoko — break, rest period … Kiwi (New Zealand slang)
smoko — n. (Australian Slang) work break … English contemporary dictionary
smoko — smo·ko … English syllables