- beebread
- [ʹbi:bred] n
перга, цветень (цветочная пыльца, собираемая пчёлами)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Beebread — Bee bread , n. A brown, bitter substance found in some of the cells of honeycomb. It is made chiefly from the pollen of flowers, which is collected by bees as food for their young. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
beebread — [bē′bred΄] n. a yellowish brown mixture of pollen and honey, made by honeybees to feed larvae … English World dictionary
beebread — vaistinė agurklė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Agurklinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, prieskoninis, vaistinis, medingas nuodingas augalas (Borago officinalis), paplitęs šiaurės Afrikoje, vakarų Azijoje, pietų Europoje. Iš jo gaminami maisto… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
beebread — noun Date: 1657 bitter yellowish brown pollen stored up in honeycomb cells and used mixed with honey by bees as food … New Collegiate Dictionary
beebread — n. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) A bitter pollen stored by bees in the honeycomb that when mixed with honey is used for food by larvae and newly emerged workers; cerago; see ambrosia, fungus garden … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
beebread — /bee bred /, n. a mixture of pollen and honey stored by bees and fed to their young. [bef. 900; ME be bred, OE. See BEE1, BREAD] * * * … Universalium
beebread — noun A mixture of nectar and pollen made by worker bees and used as food for larvae … Wiktionary
beebread — n. blend of honey and bitter yellowish brown pollen made by bees and used as food for their larvae … English contemporary dictionary
beebread — bee•bread [[t]ˈbiˌbrɛd[/t]] n. ent a mixture of pollen and honey stored by bees and fed to their young • Etymology: bef. 900 … From formal English to slang
beebread — noun a mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae (Freq. 7) • Syn: ↑ambrosia • Hypernyms: ↑composition … Useful english dictionary
am|bro|sia — «am BROH zhuh», noun. 1. Greek and Roman Mythology. the food of the gods. It was the substance that gave immortality. 2. Figurative. something especially pleasing to taste or smell. 3. a dessert of grated coconut meat and sliced oranges and,… … Useful english dictionary