- sloven
- 1. [ʹslʌv(ə)n] n
1. неряха, грязнуля2. небрежный работник, халтурщик2. [ʹslʌv(ə)n] a1. = slovenly2. амер. некультурный, необразованный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sloven — SLOVÉN, Ă, sloveni, e s.m. şi f., adj. 1. s.m. şi f. Persoană care face parte din populaţia de bază a Sloveniei sau este originară de acolo. 2. adj. Care aparţine Sloveniei sau populaţiei ei, privitor la Slovenia sau la populaţia ei. ♦… … Dicționar Român
Sloven — Slov en, n. [D. slaf careless, negligent, a sloven; akin to LG. sluf slovenly.] A man or boy habitually negligent of neathess and order; the correlative term to slattern, or slut. Pope. [1913 Webster] He became a confirmed sloven. Macaulay. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sloven — mid 15c., immoral woman, later also rascal, knave (regardless of gender); probably from M.Flem. sloovin a scold, related to sloef untidy, shabby, from P.Gmc. *slup (Cf. Du. slof “careless, negligent”) + O.Fr. suffix ain, from L. anus … Etymology dictionary
sloven — [sluv′ən] n. [ME slovein, prob. < MDu slof, lax, limp (< IE base * (s)leubh , to hang loosely > SLOBBER, Lith slùbnas, limp) + Anglo Fr ain, ein, AN] a person who is careless in appearance, habits, work, etc.; dirty or untidy person … English World dictionary
sloven — /sluv euhn/, n. 1. a person who is habitually negligent of neatness or cleanliness in dress, appearance, etc. 2. a person who works, acts, speaks, etc., in a negligent, slipshod manner. [1400 50; late ME sloveyn, perh. < MD slof careless (D slof… … Universalium
Sloven Gradecas — Sp Sloveñ Grãdecas Ap Slovenj Gradec L Slovėnija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
sloven — I. noun Etymology: Middle English sloveyn slut, rascal, perhaps from Middle Dutch slof negligent Date: 15th century one habitually negligent of neatness or cleanliness especially in personal appearance II. adjective Date: 1815 slovenly … New Collegiate Dictionary
sloven — noun a) A man or boy habitually negligent of neatness and order; the male equivalent of slattern, or slut; untidy, dirty. b) low, base, lewd … Wiktionary
Sloven — is., öz. Slavların güney kolundan bir ulus veya bu ulustan olan kimse, İsloven … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
sloven — slov·en || slÊŒvn n. careless and negligent person; untidy or unclean person … English contemporary dictionary
sloven — novels … Anagrams dictionary