- slough of despond
- [͵slaʋəvdıʹspɒnd]
1) лит. Трясина Отчаяния (в романе Дж. Беньяна «Странствования паломника»)2) пучина отчаяния
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
slough of despond — If someone is very depressed or in despair, they re in a slough of despond … The small dictionary of idiomes
Slough of Despond — The Slough of Despond is a deep bog in John Bunyan s allegory The Pilgrim s Progress , into which the character Christian sinks under the weight of his sins and his sense of guilt. It is the low ground where the scum and filth of a guilty… … Wikipedia
Slough of Despond — a place in The Pilgrim’s Progress. It is a slough (= an area of soft, wet ground) that is full of fears and doubts. It is sometimes used to refer to the mental condition of a person with many doubts and fears: While he was in this slough of… … Universalium
slough of despond — Etymology: from the Slough of Despond, deep bog into which Christian falls on the way from the City of Destruction and from which Help saves him in the allegory Pilgrim s Progress (1678) by John Bunyan Date: 1776 a state of extreme depression … New Collegiate Dictionary
Slough of Despond — noun A state of despondency. ,2003, Why could Johnson not drag himself out of this slough of despond? Roy Porter, Flesh in the Age of Reason (Penguin 2004, p. 183) … Wiktionary
slough of despond — If someone is very depressed or in despair, they re in a slough of despond. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Slough of despond — If someone is very depressed or in despair, they re in a slough of despond … Dictionary of English idioms
Slough of Despond — Slough of Des|pond, the literary a situation in which you are very unhappy and there seems to be no hope that things will improve. The expression comes from the name of a place in the book ThePilgrim s Progress by John Bunyan … Dictionary of contemporary English
SLOUGH OF DESPOND — a deep bog in the Pilgrim s Progress, into which Christian sinks under the weight of his sins and his sense of their guilt … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
slough of despond — deep depression … English contemporary dictionary
slough of despond — noun (formal) extreme depression • Usage Domain: ↑formality • Hypernyms: ↑depression … Useful english dictionary