- slipware
- [ʹslıpweə] n
обливная глиняная посуда; керамика, покрытая поливной глазурью
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Slipware — is a type of pottery identified by its primary decorating process where slip is placed onto the leather dry clay body surface by dipping, painting or splashing. Slip is an aqueous suspension of a clay body, which is a mixture of clays and other… … Wikipedia
slipware — [slip′wer΄] n. pottery decorated by the surface application of slip, which may be carved, painted, etc … English World dictionary
slipware — /slip wair /, n. pottery decorated with slip. [1905 10; SLIP3 + WARE1] * * * Pottery that has been treated with semiliquid clay, or slip. The technique was originally used to cover defects in body colour, but later evolved into decorative… … Universalium
slipware — Alfarería tratada con arcilla semilíquida o engobe. La técnica fue empleada originalmente para cubrir defectos en el color original de la pasta, pero más tarde evolucionó hacia técnicas decorativas como el esgrafiado, el tallado, la pintura, la… … Enciclopedia Universal
slipware — noun Date: 1883 pottery coated with slip to improve or decorate the surface … New Collegiate Dictionary
slipware — noun A type of pottery identified by its primary decorating process where slip is placed onto the dry surface by dipping, painting or splashing … Wiktionary
slipware — noun pottery decorated with slip (see slip3) … English new terms dictionary
slipware — slip•ware [[t]ˈslɪpˌwɛər[/t]] n. cer pottery decorated with slip • Etymology: 1905–10 … From formal English to slang
slipware — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: slip (VII) : pottery coated with slip to improve the surface or change the color … Useful english dictionary
Michael Cardew — A slipware cider flagon by Michael Cardew, made at the Winchcombe Pottery c.1935. Michael Cardew, OBE, (b.1901, Wimbledon, d.1983, Truro) was an English studio potter who worked in West Africa for twenty years. Cardew was the fourth child of… … Wikipedia
Winchcombe Pottery — Winchcombe Pottery, near Winchcombe in Northern Gloucestershire, is one of the oldest and best known craft potteries in the Western World.Founded by Michael Cardew, built on an historic pottery site, it has produced high quality handmade pottery… … Wikipedia