- sleuth
- 1. [slu:θ] n
1. ищейка2. разг. сыщик, детектив2. [slu:θ] v1. 1) идти по следу2) разг. выслеживать2. разг. быть сыщиком, заниматься сыском
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sleuth — is a reference to detective work and may refer to:Theatre and film* Sleuth (play) a 1970 play by Anthony Shaffer * Sleuth (1972 film), a film adaptation of the Anthony Shaffer play, directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz * Sleuth (2007 film), a film… … Wikipedia
Sleuth — Sleuth, n. [Icel. sl[=o][eth]. See {Slot} a track.] The track of man or beast as followed by the scent. [Scot.] Halliwell. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sleuth — (engl. für Detektiv, Spürhund) steht für den Originaltitel des Theaterstücks Revanche (Theaterstück) von Anthony Shaffer aus dem Jahr 1970, Grundlage für zwei Filme, ebenfalls mit dem Originaltitel sleuth: Mord mit kleinen Fehlern aus dem Jahr… … Deutsch Wikipedia
sleuth — [slu:θ] n old fashioned [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: sleuthhound dog used for tracking people (14 20 centuries), from sleuth track (12 15 centuries) (from Old Norse sloth) + hound] someone who tries to find out information about a crime = ↑detective … Dictionary of contemporary English
sleuth´er — sleuth «slooth», noun, verb. –n. 1. Informal. a detective. 2. = bloodhound. (Cf. ↑bloodhound) –v.i. Informal. to be or act like a detective. ╂[< Scandinavian (compare Old Icelandic slōth) a trail] –sleuth´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
sleuth — index research, spy Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
sleuth — [ sluθ ] noun count MAINLY JOURNALISM someone who tries to solve crimes or mysteries: DETECTIVE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sleuth — (n.) c.1200, track or trail of a person, from O.N. sloð trail, of uncertain origin. Meaning detective is 1872, shortening of sleuthhound keen investigator (1849), a figurative use of a word for a kind of bloodhound that dates back to late 14c.… … Etymology dictionary
sleuth — [n] detective agent, bloodhound*, cop, dick*, eavesdropper, flatfoot*, gumshoe*, investigator, P.I.*, police officer, private detective, private eye, private investigator, sleuthhound, spy, tail*, tracker; concept 348 … New thesaurus
sleuth — informal ► NOUN ▪ a detective. ► VERB ▪ carry out a search or investigation in the manner of a detective. ORIGIN originally in the sense «track»: from Old Norse … English terms dictionary
sleuth — [slo͞oth′hound΄slo͞oth] n. [ME, a trail, spoor < ON slóth, akin to slothra, to drag (oneself) ahead: for IE base see SLUG1] 1. Rare a dog, as a bloodhound, that can follow a trail by scent: also sleuthhound [slo͞oth′hound΄ ] ☆ 2. DETECTIVE (n … English World dictionary