- sleaze
- [sli:z] n
плохое качество; дрянная работа; низкопробность, дешёвка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sleaze — [sliːz] noun [uncountable] immoral behaviour, especially involving money or sex: • The government created a standing committee to investigate allegations of sleaze. sleazy adjective : • sleazy dealings with cash payments in brown envelopes * * *… … Financial and business terms
sleaze — [sli:z] n [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: sleazy] 1.) [U] immoral behaviour, especially involving sex or lies ▪ Many people are tired of all the sleaze on TV. ▪ sleaze and corruption in politics 2.) also sleazebag sleazebucket … Dictionary of contemporary English
sleaze — [ sliz ] noun 1. ) uncount behavior that is dishonest or immoral, especially in politics or business: political sleaze The party is facing sleaze allegations. 2. ) count OFFENSIVE a SLEAZEBAG … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sleaze — sleaze; sleaze·bag; … English syllables
sleaze — condition of squalor, by 1967, back formation from SLEAZY (Cf. sleazy). Meaning person of low moral standards, and the adjective use, are attested from 1976 … Etymology dictionary
sleaze — informal ► NOUN 1) immoral, sordid, and corrupt behaviour or material. 2) informal, chiefly N. Amer. a sordid, corrupt, or immoral person. ► VERB ▪ behave in an immoral, corrupt, or sordid way … English terms dictionary
sleaze — [slēz] n. [back form. < SLEAZY] Slang 1. the quality or condition of being sleazy; sleaziness 2. anything cheap, vulgar, shoddy, etc. 3. a shady, coarse, or immoral person: also sleazebag [slēzē′bag΄] or sleazeball [slēzē′bôl΄] … English World dictionary
sleaze — [[t]sli͟ːz[/t]] N UNCOUNT (disapproval) You use sleaze to describe activities that you consider immoral, dishonest, or not respectable, especially in politics, business, journalism, or entertainment. [INFORMAL] She claimed that an atmosphere of… … English dictionary
sleaze — UK [sliːz] / US [slɪz] noun [uncountable] Word forms sleaze : singular sleaze plural sleazes behaviour that is dishonest or immoral, especially in politics or business political sleaze The party is facing sleaze allegations … English dictionary
sleaze — AND sleez [sliz] 1. n. a low and despicable person. □ God, what a sleaze! How can anybody be so skanky? □ Youd expect to find a sleaze like that in a sleaz oid joint like this. 2. n. any junk. □ I won’t sell sleez like that! I won’t even have it… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
sleaze — noun a) low moral standards ministerial sleaze and mendacity b) a person with low moral standards The level of sleaze in this city seems to have been rising rapidly in recent years. See Also: sleazebag, sleaze merchant, sleazy … Wiktionary