Slattern — Slat tern, a. Resembling a slattern; sluttish; slatterny. The slattern air. Gay. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Slattern — Slat tern, n. A woman who is negligent of her dress or house; one who is not neat and nice. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Slattern — Slat tern, v. t. To consume carelessly or wastefully; to waste; with away. [R.] Chesterfield. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
slattern — (n.) 1630s, a rude, ill bred woman, probably related to Low Ger. Slattje, Du. slodder, dialectal Swed. slata slut (in the older, non sexual sense). Cf. dialectal English verb slatter to spill or splash awkwardly, to waste, used of women or girls… … Etymology dictionary
slattern — ► NOUN dated ▪ a dirty, untidy woman. DERIVATIVES slatternly adjective. ORIGIN related to dialect slatter «to spill or slop», of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
slattern — [slat′ərn] n. [< dial. slatter, to spill, slop < or akin to ON slattari, idler] 1. a woman who is careless and sloppy in her habits, appearance, work, etc. 2. a sexually promiscuous woman; slut … English World dictionary
slattern — noun /ˈslætɜːn/ a) A slut. 3. Cookery is familiar to her, with the price and quality of provisions; and she is a ready accountant. Her chief view, however, is to serve her mother and lighten her cares. She holds cleanliness and neetness to be… … Wiktionary
slattern — [[t]slæ̱tə(r)n[/t]] slatterns N COUNT (disapproval) A slattern is a dirty untidy woman. [OLD FASHIONED] … English dictionary
slattern — I. noun Etymology: probably from German schlottern to hang loosely, slouch; akin to Dutch slodderen to hang loosely, slodder slut Date: circa 1639 an untidy slovenly woman; also slut, prostitute II. adjective Date: 1684 slatternly … New Collegiate Dictionary
slattern — /slat euhrn/, n. 1. a slovenly, untidy woman or girl. 2. a slut; harlot. [1630 40; perh. akin to dial. slatter to splash, spill < ?] * * * … Universalium
slattern — Synonyms and related words: baggage, bimbo, blowsy, crone, dowdy, drab, draggletailed, fallen woman, frowsy, frump, gammer, hag, harlot, hog, hooker, hussy, hustler, jade, litterbug, loose woman, pig, pro, prostitute, schlep, schlump, slob,… … Moby Thesaurus