
[ʹskıtə] v
1. легко и быстро нестись (едва касаясь поверхности)
2. подёргивать рыболовный крючок

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "skitter" в других словарях:

  • Skitter — Skit ter, v. i. To pass or glide lightly or with quick touches at intervals; to skip; to skim. Some kinds of ducks in lighting strike the water with their tails first, and skitter along the surface for a feet before settling down. T. Roosevelt.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • skitter — [skit′ər] vi. [freq. of dial. skite, to dart about < Scand, akin to SHOOT] 1. to skip, scamper, or move along quickly and lightly, esp. over water ☆ 2. to draw a fish lure over the water with a skipping motion vt. to cause to skitter …   English World dictionary

  • Skitter — Skit ter, v. t. [Cf. {Skit}, v. t.] To move or pass (something) over a surface quickly so that it touches only at intervals; to skip. The angler, standing in the bow, skitters or skips the spoon over the surface. James A. Henshall. [Webster 1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • skitter — to run rapidly, 1845, frequentative of skite to dart, run quickly (1721), perhaps from a Scandinavian source (Cf. Icelandic skjota to shoot, or Norw. dialectal skutla glide rapidly ); related to source of SKIT (Cf. skit) …   Etymology dictionary

  • skitter — ► VERB ▪ move lightly and quickly or hurriedly. ORIGIN perhaps related to SKITE(Cf. ↑S) …   English terms dictionary

  • skitter — UK [ˈskɪtə(r)] / US [ˈskɪtər] verb [intransitive] Word forms skitter : present tense I/you/we/they skitter he/she/it skitters present participle skittering past tense skittered past participle skittered to move somewhere quickly and lightly A… …   English dictionary

  • skitter — verb Etymology: probably frequentative of English dialect (Scots and northern) skite to move quickly, probably from Old Norse skyt , stem of skjōta to shoot Date: 1845 intransitive verb 1. a. to glide or skip lightly or quickly b. to move in or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • skitter — /skit euhr/, v.i. 1. to go, run, or glide lightly or rapidly. 2. to skim along a surface. 3. Angling. to draw a lure or a baited hook over the water with a skipping motion. v.t. 4. to cause to skitter. [1835 45; skit, var. of SKITE1 + ER6] * * * …   Universalium

  • skitter — 1. verb a) to move hurriedly or as by twitching or bouncing I opened the cabinet and hundreds of cockroaches went skittering off into the darkness. b) to make a skittering noise 2. noun …   Wiktionary

  • skitter — skit|ter [ˈskıtə US ər] v [I always + adverb/preposition] [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: Probably from skite to slide, skip (18 20 centuries), probably from a Scandinavian language] to move very quickly and lightly, like a small animal = ↑scurry… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • skitter — skit•ter [[t]ˈskɪt ər[/t]] v. i. 1) to go, run, or glide lightly or rapidly 2) to skim along a surface 3) spo to draw a lure or a baited hook over the water with a skipping motion 4) to cause to skitter • Etymology: 1835–45; appar. Scots skite to …   From formal English to slang

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