- bedivere
- [ʹbedıvıə] n
1) Бедивир (персонаж легенды о короле Артуре)2) верный рыцарь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bedivere — rendant Excalibur à la Dame du lac Dans la Légende arthurienne, Bedivere (Bedivère, Bediver, nom dérivé du gallois Bedwyr) est le Chevalier de la Table Ronde qui restitue Excalibur à la Dame du Lac (illustration ci contre). Fréquemment associé à… … Wikipédia en Français
Bedivere — [bed′ə vir΄] n. Arthurian Legend the loyal knight who is with the dying King Arthur and sees him off to Avalon … English World dictionary
Bedivere — In Arthurian legend, Sir Bedivere (Welsh: Bedwyr; French: Bédoier, also spelt Bedevere) is the Knight of the Round Table who returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake. He serves as King Arthur s marshal and is frequently associated with Sir Kay.… … Wikipedia
Bedivere — Sir Bedivere (auch Bedwyr fab Bedrawg [ bedwir vaːb bedraug] oder Bedwere) ist eine Sagenfigur der mittelalterlichen Artusromane. Die Figur erscheint schon in den frühesten Erzählungen rund um den Anführer der Tafelrunde.[1] Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bedivere — noun Date: 1765 a knight of the Round Table … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bedivere — /bed euh vear /, n. Sir, Arthurian Legend. the knight who brought the dying King Arthur to the barge in which the three queens bore him to the Isle of Avalon. * * * … Universalium
Bedivere — Bed•i•vere [[t]ˈbɛd əˌvɪər[/t]] n. myt lit. Sir, the knight who brought the dying King Arthur to the barge that bore him to the Isle of Avalon … From formal English to slang
Bedivere — /ˈbɛdəvɪə/ (say beduhvear) noun Arthurian Legend Sir, the knight who brought the dying King Arthur to the barge in which the three queens bore him to the Isle of Avalon …
Bedivere — From Arthurian legend, King Arthur s foster brother and counselor … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
Bedivere — /bed euh vear /, n. Sir, Arthurian Legend. the knight who brought the dying King Arthur to the barge in which the three queens bore him to the Isle of Avalon … Useful english dictionary
RFA Sir Bedivere — Geschichte In Auftrag gegeben: Kiellegung: Oktober 1965 Stapellauf: 20. Juli 1966 Indienststellung … Deutsch Wikipedia