- skin test
- [ʹskıntest] мед.
кожная проба
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
skin test — n a test (as a scratch test or a tuberculin test) for an allergic or immune response to a substance that is performed by administering the substance to or through the skin and is used esp. in detecting allergic hypersensitivity * * * any test in… … Medical dictionary
skin test — n. any test for detecting the presence of a disease or allergy from the reaction of the skin to a test substance … English World dictionary
skin test — skin′ test n. imu a medical test in which a substance is introduced into the skin, as for the detection of an antibody reaction to an infectious disease • Etymology: 1925–30 … From formal English to slang
skin test — noun any test to determine immunity or sensitivity to a disease by introducing small amounts on or into the skin • Hypernyms: ↑diagnostic test, ↑diagnostic assay • Hyponyms: ↑Dick test, ↑patch test, ↑Schick test, ↑scratch test, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
skin test — a test in which a substance is introduced into the skin, as by application to a purposely abraded area or by injection, for the detection of allergic sensitivity to a specific pollen, protein, etc., or of the presence of a disease. [1925 30] * *… … Universalium
skin test antigen — the antigen used in a skin test (see under test) … Medical dictionary
skin test — noun Date: 1925 a test (as a scratch test) performed on the skin and used in detecting allergic hypersensitivity … New Collegiate Dictionary
skin test — noun a test to determine whether an immune reaction is elicited when a substance is applied to or injected into the skin … English new terms dictionary
skin test — A test for an immune response to a compound by placing it on or under the skin … English dictionary of cancer terms
Skin test for immunity — A method of evaluating whether a person has developed an immune response to certain infections. A substance is injected into the deep layer of the skin (dermis), which will cause a reaction if the immune system recognizes it. One of the most… … Medical dictionary
tuberculin skin test — noun a skin test to determine past or present infection with the tuberculosis bacterium; based on hypersensitivity of the skin to tuberculin • Syn: ↑tuberculin test • Hypernyms: ↑skin test • Hyponyms: ↑Mantoux test, ↑tine test … Useful english dictionary