- skimpy
- [ʹskımpı] a
1. недостаточный; скудный; слишком маленький и т. п.
skimpy meal - скудный обед
a skirt which is skimpy round the hips - юбка, слишком узкая в бёдрах
2. скупой; экономный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
skimpy meal - скудный обед
a skirt which is skimpy round the hips - юбка, слишком узкая в бёдрах
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
skimpy — index deficient, marginal, petty, scarce Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
skimpy — 1842, from SKIMP (Cf. skimp) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Skimpiness … Etymology dictionary
skimpy — scrimpy, exiguous, *meager, scanty, scant, spare, sparse … New Dictionary of Synonyms
skimpy — [adj] sparse, inadequate deficient, exiguous, failing, insufficient, meager, miserly, niggardly, poor, scant, scanty, scrimp, scrimpy, short, shy, spare, stingy, thin, tight, unsufficient, wanting; concepts 334,762,789 Ant. adequate, enough,… … New thesaurus
skimpy — ► ADJECTIVE (skimpier, skimpiest) 1) providing or consisting of less than is necessary; meagre. 2) (of clothes) short and revealing … English terms dictionary
skimpy — [skim′pē] adj. skimpier, skimpiest Informal barely or not quite enough; somewhat less in size, fullness, etc. than is needed; scanty skimpily adv. skimpiness n … English World dictionary
skimpy — UK [ˈskɪmpɪ] / US adjective Word forms skimpy : adjective skimpy comparative skimpier superlative skimpiest 1) skimpy clothes fit very tightly and do not cover very much of someone s body. This word often shows that you do not approve of clothes… … English dictionary
skimpy — skimpily, adv. skimpiness, n. /skim pee/, adj., skimpier, skimpiest. 1. lacking in size, fullness, etc.; scanty: a skimpy hem; a skimpy dinner. 2. too thrifty; stingy: a skimpy housekeeper. [1835 45; SKIMP + Y1] * * * … Universalium
skimpy — skimp|y [ skımpi ] adjective 1. ) less than necessary or less than you would like: Her knowledge of art was skimpy. 2. ) skimpy clothes fit very tightly and do not cover very much of someone s body. This word often shows that you do not approve… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
skimpy — [[t]skɪ̱mpi[/t]] skimpier, skimpiest ADJ GRADED Something that is skimpy is too small in size or quantity. ...skimpy underwear... They suffered long hours, unsafe working conditions and skimpy pay … English dictionary
skimpy — A barmaid in a hotel who wears very little (i.e. skimpy ) clothing. Skimpys are found in Western Australian hotels, particularly in Kalgoorlie. These hotel employees are also said to do skimpy work: The laws regulating stripping and skimpy work… … Australian idioms