
1. [sketʃ] n
1. 1) эскиз, набросок; зарисовка; абрис

chalk [pastel, water-colour] sketch - набросок мелом [пастелью, акварелью]

2) спец. кроки
2. очерк; заметки; краткий обзор

autobiographical [historical] sketch - автобиографический [исторический] очерк

brief [concise] sketch - краткие [сжатые] заметки

critical sketch - критический обзор /-ие заметки/

to give a short sketch of smth. - вкратце обрисовать что-л.

3. театр. скетч
4. муз. небольшая лёгкая пьеса, обыкн. для фортепиано
5. редк. схема, (общий) план
6. воен. отчётная карточка
2. [sketʃ] v
1. делать набросок; писать этюд

to sketch smb.'s head [figure] - делать набросок чьей-л. головы [фигуры]

to go out sketching - иск. выезжать на натуру

to sketch from nature - делать эскиз с натуры

2. описывать в общих чертах, изображать схематически (тж. sketch out)

to sketch (out) a plan [a scheme] - набросать план [схему]

to sketch (out) the situation in a few words - в нескольких словах обрисовать положение

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sketch" в других словарях:

  • sketch — [ skɛtʃ ] n. m. • 1879; mot angl., proprt « esquisse » ♦ Courte scène, généralement comique et rapide, parfois improvisée, interprétée par un nombre restreint d acteurs. ⇒ saynète. Des sketchs ou des sketches. Il « fit représenter de petits… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Sketch — may refer to:Drawing and other visual arts * Sketch (drawing), a drawing or other composition that is not intended as a finished work, but a preliminary exploration. * SketchUp, a 3D modeling program. * iSketch, an online drawing game. * Sketch… …   Wikipedia

  • sketch — n 1 outline, diagram, delineation, draft, tracing, plot, blueprint (see under SKETCH vb) Analogous words: design, plot, *plan, scheme, project: *chart, map 2 précis, aperçu, *compendium, syllabus, digest, pandect, survey sketch vb Sketch, outline …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • sketch in — ˌsketch ˈin [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they sketch in he/she/it sketches in present participle sketching in past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sketch — Sketch, n. [D. schets, fr. It. schizzo a sketch, a splash (whence also F. esquisse; cf. {Esquisse}.); cf. It. schizzare to splash, to sketch.] An outline or general delineation of anything; a first rough or incomplete draught or plan of any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sketch´er — sketch «skehch», noun, verb. –n. 1. a rough, quickly done drawing, painting, clay model, or design: »The artist made many sketches in pencil before painting the portrait. 2. an outline; plan: »Give me a sketch of his career. SYNONYM(S): draft,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sketch — Sm Darbietung einer pointierten Kurzszene erw. fach. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. sketch, eigentlich Entwurf, Studie , dieses wohl aus nndl. schets Entwurf , aus it. schizzo, eigentlich Spritzer , für das man lautnachahmenden Ursprung… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • sketch — sketch·er; sketch·i·ly; sketch·i·ness; sketch; …   English syllables

  • sketch|y — «SKEHCH ee», adjective, sketch|i|er, sketch|i|est. 1. like a sketch; having or giving only outlines or main features. 2. Figurative. incomplete; done very roughly; …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sketch — Sketch, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sketched}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sketching}.] [Cf D. schetsen, It. schizzare. See {Sketch}, n.] 1. To draw the outline or chief features of; to make a rought of. [1913 Webster] 2. To plan or describe by giving the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sketch — [skech] n. [earlier schitz < Du schets < It schizzo < L schedium, extempore poem < Gr schedios, extempore, sudden < schein, to hold: see SCHEME] 1. a simple, rough drawing or design, done rapidly and without much detail 2. a brief… …   English World dictionary

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