- sizy
- [ʹsaızı] a спец.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sizy — Siz y, a. [From 2d {Size}.] Sizelike; viscous; glutinous; as, sizy blood. Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sizy — adjective a) Like size (weak glue or paste). which I expected to have found extremely sizy and glutinous, or indeed coagulated, as it is in pleuretic complaints; b) Exhibiting size (the thickened crust on coagulated blood). The cellular tissue of … Wiktionary
sizy — siziness, n. /suy zee/, adj., sizier, siziest. Archaic. thick; viscous. [1680 90; SIZE2 + Y1] * * * … Universalium
sizy — ˈsīzē, zi adjective ( er/ est) Etymology: size (III) + y archaic : viscous, glutinous … Useful english dictionary
Siziness — Siz i*ness, n. The quality or state of being sizy; viscousness. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
siziness — noun The quality of being sizy … Wiktionary
pleuretic — adjective Of or pertaining to the pleura, the smooth serous membrane which closely covers the lungs and the adjacent surfaces of the thorax. which I expected to have found extremely sizy and glutinous, or indeed coagulated, as it is in pleuretic… … Wiktionary
Liste des noms de famille en Russie — Liste (non exhaustive) des noms de famille portés en Russie présentés dans leur transcription française normalisée (qui peut parfois différer de l usage) suivie de la graphie en cyrillique. Sommaire 1 A (А) 2 B (Б) 3 V (В) … Wikipédia en Français
incisure — [ ɛ̃sizyr ] n. f. • 1638 « sillons de la main »; XVe inciseure « incision »; du lat. incisura « fente, fissure » 1 ♦ Bot. Découpure irrégulière. 2 ♦ Anat. Échancrure à bords nettement délimités, à la surface d un organe. ● incisure nom féminin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
viscous — a. Glutinous, clammy, sticky, adhesive, tenacious, viscid, ropy, sizy … New dictionary of synonyms
adherent — n 1. supporter, follower, disciple, pupil, sectary; devotee, fan, rooter, votary, upholder, backer, advocate, champion, patron; helper, attendant, assistant, acolyte; confidant, companion, ally, partner, partisan; accomplice, Law. accessory,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder