- sixer
- [ʹsıksə] n
1. разг. шесть очков; шестёрка2. сл.1) шестимесячное тюремное заключение2) шестое тюремное заключение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sixer — /ˈsɪksə/ (say siksuh) noun 1. a patrol leader of the Cub Scouts in the Scout Association or the equivalent role in the Girl Guides Association. 2. Cricket Colloquial → six (def. 6). 3. Australian Rules Colloquial a kick scoring six points; a goal …
sixer — n. a six pack beverage container. (Usually refers to beer.) □ Tom showed up with three sixers and a bushel of pretzels, and we all watched the game together. □ Please stop by the store and pick up a sixer … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Sixer — Sixpack oder Six pack bezeichnet umgangssprachlich: eine Abpackungseinheit von Bierflaschen, siehe Sechserträger einen Waschbrettbauch Polizei Vans, in Deutschland der als Polizeieinsatzfahrzeug ausgestattete VW Bulli, oder Polizeieinheiten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
sixer — noun A Cub Scout who leads a group of six … Wiktionary
Sixer — (prison) jail sentence of six months … Dictionary of Australian slang
sixer — I Australian Slang (prison) jail sentence of six months II Inglish (Indian English) Dictionary Home run, slang from cricket … English dialects glossary
sixer — noun 1》 the leader of a group of six Brownies or Cubs. 2》 Cricket, chiefly Indian a hit for six runs. 3》 US a six pack … English new terms dictionary
sixer — six·er … English syllables
sixer — n. 1 the leader of a group of six Brownies or Cubs. 2 Cricket a hit for six runs … Useful english dictionary
twenty-sixer — I Canadian Slang 26 ounce bottle of booze (aka twixer) II Canadian Slang a 26 oz bottle of alcohol like vodka etc. (see 2 6.Referred to as a quart in Newbrunswick and Nova Scotia … English dialects glossary
sixty-sixer — Canadian Slang A term for a sixty two ounce (1.75 L) bottle of liquor (from the old 1/2 U.S. gallon size, 66.6 imp fl oz) … English dialects glossary