- sitz bath
- [ʹsıtsbɑ:θ]
1. сидячая ванна2. купание в сидячей ванне
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sitz bath — [G. sitzbad.] A tub in which one bathes in a sitting posture; also, a bath so taken; a hip bath. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sitz bath — sits n 1) a tub in which one bathes in a sitting posture 2) a bath in which the hips and buttocks are immersed in hot water for the therapeutic effect of moist heat in the perineal and anal regions * * * a fairly shallow hip bath in which the… … Medical dictionary
sitz bath — sitz′ bath [[t]sɪts, zɪts[/t]] n. 1) med a chairlike bathtub in which the thighs and hips are immersed in warm water 2) med a therapeutic bath so taken • Etymology: 1840–50; half trans. of G Sitzbad=sitz(en) to sit+Bad bath I … From formal English to slang
sitz bath — [sits, zits] n. [partial transl. of Ger sitzbad < sitz, a seat, sitting (< sitzen, SIT) + bad, BATH1] 1. a bath in which only the hips and buttocks are immersed, usually for therapy 2. a tub or basin used for such a bath … English World dictionary
sitz-bath — 1849, a hybrid, from Ger. Sitzbad, lit. bath in a sitting position, with Eng. BATH (Cf. bath) for Ger. Bad … Etymology dictionary
sitz bath — [ sıts ,bæθ ] noun count AMERICAN a small bath that you can sit in but not lie in … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sitz-bath — n. a hip bath. Etymology: partial transl. of G Sitzbad f. sitzen sit + Bad bath * * * sitz bath /sitsˈbäth/ noun A therapeutic hip bath in hot water ORIGIN: Ger Sitzbad … Useful english dictionary
sitz bath — bathtub in which one bathes in a seated position; therapeutic bath taken in a sitz bath (often used to treat hemorrhoids) … English contemporary dictionary
sitz bath — noun Etymology: part translation of German Sitzbad, from Sitz act of sitting + Bad bath Date: 1847 a tub in which one bathes in a sitting posture; also a bath so taken especially therapeutically … New Collegiate Dictionary
sitz bath — /ˈsɪts baθ/ (say sits bahth) noun 1. a bathtub resembling a chair, in which the thighs and trunk of the body to the waistline are immersed in warm water. 2. the bath so taken. {half adoption, half translation of German Sitzbad, from Sitz seat and …
sitz bath — /sits, zits/ 1. a chairlike bathtub in which the thighs and hips are immersed in warm water, usually as part of a therapeutic treatment. 2. the bath so taken. [1840 50; half adoption, half trans. of G Sitzbad, equiv. to sitz(en) to SIT1 + Bad… … Universalium