

1> сед (гимнастика)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "situp" в других словарях:

  • Situp — Ausführung von Sit ups Sit ups, oft auch Aufrichter oder Rumpfbeugen genannt, sind eine Übung, bei der man aus dem Liegen den Oberkörper aufrichtet. Diese Übung soll dem Training der Bauchmuskulatur dienen, gilt aber mittlerweile als ungünstig,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Situp — Sit up, Sit|up [ sɪtʌp ], der; s, s [engl. sit up, zu: to sit up = sich aufsetzen] (Gymnastik): gymnastische Übung, bei der man sich aus der Rückenlage heraus ohne Zuhilfenahme der Arme aufsetzt: ein paar s machen …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Commonwealth Railways — The Commonwealth Railways were established in 1912, as part of a government department, currently called the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, by the Government of Australia to construct the… …   Wikipedia

  • Goiânia — Infobox City official name = Goiânia imagesize = 250px image caption = Skyline of Goiânia nickname = motto = image mapsize = 250px map caption = Location of Goiânia subdivision type = Country subdivision type1 = Region subdivision type2 = State… …   Wikipedia

  • Sit-up (exercise) — now consider it dangerous and relatively ineffective, replacing it with the crunch in many training programs as an abdominal exercise.CriticismAlthough still common in military training, martial arts, and mass taught exercise classes, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Situation Two — Situation Two, aka Situation 2, was a record label which began life in 1981 as an offshoot of the larger Beggars Banquet label. At the time, Beggars Banquet records were distributed by Warner Bros.; so, to appeal to the indie audience and to get… …   Wikipedia

  • Michael Rubbo — Michael Dattilo Rubbo (born 31 December 1938) is an Australian filmmaker who has written and directed over 50 films in documentary and fiction. Rubbo studied anthropology at Sydney University, and then travelled on a Fulbright scholarship to… …   Wikipedia

  • Кошачий лемур — Научная классификация …   Википедия

  • sit-up — sit ups N COUNT: usu pl Sit ups are exercises that you do to strengthen your stomach muscles. They involve sitting up from a lying position while keeping your legs straight on the floor. (in AM, also use situp) …   English dictionary

  • sit-up — ☆ sit up or situp [sit′up΄ ] n. an exercise in which a person lying flat on the back rises to a sitting position without using the hands: sit ups are usually done in series …   English World dictionary

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