
[ʹsıstəhʋd] n
1. сестринские, дружеские отношения

to live in loving sisterhood - быть любящими сёстрами

2. собир.
1) сёстры
2) братство, союз

to join the sisterhood of nations - вступить в братскую семью народов

3) (тж. Sisterhood) Союз сестёр (организация «Движение за освобождение женщин»)
4) солидарность участниц этого движения

sisterhood across class lines is a myth - братская солидарность женщин независимо от их классового положения - это миф

3. рел. сестринская община

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sisterhood" в других словарях:

  • Sisterhood — may refer to:* Sibling, sisters and brothers * Sorority, a social organization for undergraduate students * Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood * The Sisterhood , a short lived English goth band * The Sisterhood (movie) , by David Decoteau *… …   Wikipedia

  • Sisterhood — Sis ter*hood, n. [Sister + hood.] 1. The state or relation of being a sister; the office or duty of a sister. [1913 Webster] She . . . abhorr d Her proper blood, and left to do the part Of sisterhood, to do that of a wife. Daniel. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sisterhood — state of being a sister, late 14c., from SISTER (Cf. sister) + HOOD (Cf. hood). Meaning a society of sisters (usually a religious order) is from 1590s; sense of women having some common characteristic or calling is from c.1600 …   Etymology dictionary

  • sisterhood — ► NOUN 1) the relationship between sisters. 2) a feeling of kinship with and closeness to a group of women or all women. 3) an association or community of women linked by a common interest, religion, or trade …   English terms dictionary

  • sisterhood — [sis′tərhood΄] n. [ME sisterhod, sosterhode: see SISTER & HOOD] 1. the state of being a sister or sisters 2. an association of women united in a common interest, work, creed, etc. 3. a belief in or feeling of unity and cooperation among women …   English World dictionary

  • Sisterhood — The Sisterhood ist der umstrittene Name zweier britischer New Wave Bands. Hintergrund 1985 trennte sich die damalige Besetzung der Band The Sisters of Mercy im Streit. Der Gitarrist Wayne Hussey und Bassist Craig Adams gründeten eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sisterhood — sis|ter|hood [ˈsıstəhud US ər ] n 1.) [U] a special loyal relationship among women who share the same ideas and aims, especially among ↑feminists ▪ the special bond of sisterhood that joins women together 2.) a group of women who live a religious …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sisterhood — [[t]sɪ̱stə(r)hʊd[/t]] N UNCOUNT Sisterhood is the affection and loyalty that women feel for other women who they have something in common with. There was a degree of solidarity and sisterhood among the women …   English dictionary

  • sisterhood — UK [ˈsɪstə(r)ˌhʊd] / US [ˈsɪstərˌhʊd] noun Word forms sisterhood : singular sisterhood plural sisterhoods 1) [uncountable] a strong feeling of loyalty among a group of women 2) [countable] a group of women who live together in a religious… …   English dictionary

  • sisterhood — /sis teuhr hood /, n. 1. the state of being a sister. 2. a group of sisters, esp. of nuns or of female members of a church. 3. an organization of women with a common interest, as for social, charitable, business, or political purposes. 4.… …   Universalium

  • Sisterhood Is Powerful — (ISBN 0 394 70539 4), published in 1970, was one of the first widely available anthologies of early Second Wave radical feminist writings. The collection was edited by Robin Morgan, a feminist poet and founding member of New York Radical Women… …   Wikipedia

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