- sissy
- [ʹsısı] n амер. разг.
1. сестра сестрёнка2. 1) неженка, маменькин сынок
sissy habits - изнеженность
2) трусишка, «девчонка», слабак
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sissy habits - изнеженность
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sissy — (als Kurzform von Elisabeth) ist der Name folgender Personen: Sissy Höfferer (* 1955), österreichische Schauspielerin Sissy Löwinger (1941–2011), österreichische Schauspielerin, Regisseurin und Theaterleiterin Sissy Raith (* 1960), deutsche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sissy — (sometimes just Sis) is a relationship nickname formed from sister, given to girls to indicate their role in the family, especially the oldest female sibling. It can also be applied to girls as a term of affection from friends who are not family… … Wikipedia
Sissy — País … Wikipedia Español
Sissy — f English: pet form of CICELY (SEE Cicely) that came into use about 1890 but disappeared again after about 1920, no doubt because of the homonymous slang word sissy ‘effeminate’ (which is probably from the kinship term sister). In recent years it … First names dictionary
sissy — 1846, sister, extended form of SIS (Cf. sis) (q.v.). Meaning effeminate man is recorded from 1887; the adj. in this sense is from 1891. Sissy bar is recorded from 1969 … Etymology dictionary
sissy — ☆ sissy [sis′ē ] n. pl. sissies [dim. of SIS] 1. Informal a) an effeminate boy or man b) a timid person or coward 2. Slang a homosexual: term of mild contempt adj. sissier, sissiest … English World dictionary
Sissy — (Зее,Австрия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 6553 Зее, Австрия Описание … Каталог отелей
Sissy — Sissy, Sissi Kurzform von → Elisabeth (Bedeutung: mein Gott ist vollkommen); englische, schwedische Kurzform von → Cäcilie (Hinweis auf das Geschlecht der Caecilier) … Deutsch namen
sissy — [n] weakling baby, chicken*, coward, cream puff*, crybaby, daisy*, jellyfish*, milksop, momma’s boy*, namby pamby, pansy, pantywaist*, pushover, wimp*, wuss*, yellow belly*; concepts 412,423 … New thesaurus
sissy — (also cissy) informal ► NOUN (pl. sissies) ▪ a person regarded as feeble or effeminate. ► ADJECTIVE (sissier, sissiest) ▪ feeble or effeminate. DERIVATIVES sissified adjective … English terms dictionary
Sissy — 49° 48′ 14″ N 3° 25′ 50″ E / 49.8038888889, 3.43055555556 … Wikipédia en Français