- simplistic
- [sımʹplıstık] a
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
simplistic — is first recorded in its modern meaning as recently as the late 19c. It differs from simple in implying a simplicity that is excessive or misleading rather than direct and useful: • She s quite right…It is simplistic to speak of malice Tom… … Modern English usage
Simplistic — Sim*plis tic, a. Of or pertaining to simples, or a simplist. [R.] Wilkinson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
simplistic — 1881, trying to explain too much by a single principle, earlier (1860) of or pertaining to simples (herbs used in healing; the notion is of medicine of one ingredient only), from simplist one who studies simples (1590s); see SIMPLE (Cf. simple) … Etymology dictionary
simplistic — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ treating complex issues and problems as simpler they really are. DERIVATIVES simplistically adverb … English terms dictionary
simplistic — [sim plis′tik] adj. making complex problems unrealistically simple; oversimplifying or oversimplified simplistically adv … English World dictionary
simplistic — adj. VERBS ▪ appear, be, look, seem, sound ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly, very, etc … Collocations dictionary
simplistic — [[t]sɪmplɪ̱stɪk[/t]] ADJ GRADED A simplistic view or interpretation of something makes it seem much simpler than it really is. He has a simplistic view of the treatment of eczema... The whole process is flawed because the logic behind the… … English dictionary
simplistic — adjective Date: circa 1881 1. simple 2. of, relating to, or characterized by simplism ; oversimple < adequate, if occasionally simplistic, historical background Harlow Robinson > • simplistically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
simplistic — simplistically, adv. /sim plis tik/, adj. characterized by extreme simplism; oversimplified: a simplistic notion of good and bad. [1855 60; SIMPLE + ISTIC] * * * … Universalium
simplistic — See simplistic, simplified … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
simplistic — sim|plis|tic [sımˈplıstık] adj treating difficult subjects in a way that is too simple ▪ This is a very simplistic approach to the problem. >simplistically [ kli] adv … Dictionary of contemporary English