- silenus
- [saıʹli:nəs] n греч. миф.
1) Силен2) (silenus) (pl -ni) сатир
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Silenus — Si*le nus, n. [L. Silenus the tutor and attendant of Bacchus.] (Zo[ o]l.) See {Wanderoo}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Silenus — dans la mythologie étrusque est la divinité de la nature sauvage, l équivalent de la Silène grecque. Source ... Articles connexes Liste des figures mythologiques étrusques v · Mythologie étrusque … Wikipédia en Français
Silēnus — Silēnus, 1) s. Silenos; 2) ein aus dem Affengeschlechte Pavian gebildetes Geschlecht, zu ihm ist der Wandern u. Makak (s. b.) gerechnet … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Silēnus — Silēnus, s. Seilenos … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Silenus — 1710, from Gk. seilenos, foster father of Bacchus and leader of the satyrs … Etymology dictionary
Silenus — [sī lē′nəs] n. [L < Gr Seilēnos] Gr. Myth. 1. the foster father and tutor of Dionysus and leader of the satyrs, traditionally pictured as a fat, drunken, jovial old man with pointed ears 2. pl. sileni [sī lē′nī] [s ] any of a group of woodland … English World dictionary
Silenus — The Silenoi (Σειληνοί) were followers of Dionysus. They were drunks, and were usually bald and fat with thick lips and squat noses, and had the legs of a human. Later, the plural silenoi went out of use and the only references were to one… … Wikipedia
SILENUS — I. SILENUS Bacchi nutritius et Paedagogus, semper asinô vehi solitus: quem Aratus, in gratiam alumm, inter sidera translatum dicit. Silenos vero provectioris aetatis Satyros dici, affirmat Pausan. l. 1. quos ebrios, ut plurimum, fingunt. Unde… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Silenus — Silenos mit dem Bacchusknaben (Vatikan) Silenos oder Seilenos (lateinisch Silenus) ist in der griechischen Mythologie der Sohn des Hirtengottes Pan oder des Hermes und einer Nymphe. In Nysa soll er von den Nymphen großgezogen und dort König… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Silenus — Depending on the ancient source consulted, Silenus is either the son of Pan or Mercury. Custodian, educator, and follower of Bacchus, he is normally represented in art as a jolly heavy set figure who rides on a donkey, wears a crown of flowers … Dictionary of Renaissance art
silenus — Wanderoo Wan der*oo , n. [Cingalese wanderu a monkey.] (Zo[ o]l.) A large monkey ({Macacus silenus}) native of Malabar. It is black, or nearly so, but has a long white or gray beard encircling the face. Called also {maha}, {silenus},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English