
[ʹsaınpəʋst] n
1. 1) (дорожный) указательный столб; указатель
2) столб, на котором укреплена вывеска и т. п.
2. несомненное свидетельство (чего-л.); явный симптом

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "signpost" в других словарях:

  • signpost — ► NOUN ▪ a sign on a post, giving information such as the direction and distance to a nearby town. ► VERB 1) provide (an area) with a signpost or signposts. 2) chiefly Brit. indicate (a place or feature) with a signpost …   English terms dictionary

  • signpost — [sīn′pōst΄] n. 1. a post bearing a sign; guidepost 2. a clear indication; obvious clue, symptom, etc. vt. to put or provide a signpost at, for, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Signpost — Sign post , n. A post on which a sign hangs, or on which papers are placed to give public notice of anything. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • signpost — index indication, landmark (conspicuous object) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • signpost — 1610s, sign on a post, usually indicating an inn or shop, from SIGN (Cf. sign) (n.) + POST (Cf. post) (n.). Meaning guide or direction post along a road is attested from 1863. Figurative sense is from 1889 …   Etymology dictionary

  • signpost — [[t]sa͟ɪnpoʊst[/t]] signposts 1) N COUNT A signpost is a sign where roads meet that tells you which direction to go in to reach a particular place or different places. The lights of the car lit up a signpost... Turn off at the signpost for… …   English dictionary

  • signpost — I UK [ˈsaɪnˌpəʊst] / US [ˈsaɪnˌpoʊst] noun [countable] Word forms signpost : singular signpost plural signposts a sign next to a road showing where something is II UK [ˈsaɪnˌpəʊst] / US [ˈsaɪnˌpoʊst] verb [transitive] Word forms signpost :… …   English dictionary

  • signpost — sign|post1 [ˈsaınpəust US poust] n 1.) especially BrE a sign at the side of a road showing directions and distances American Equivalent: sign ▪ I m sure that signpost is pointing the wrong way. ▪ Just follow the signposts to the city centre. 2.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • signpost — noun 1》 a sign giving information such as the direction and distance to a nearby town. 2》 a guide or indicator. verb 1》 provide (an area) with a signpost or signposts. 2》 chiefly Brit. indicate with or as if with a signpost …   English new terms dictionary

  • signpost — verb Signpost is used with these nouns as the object: ↑diversion …   Collocations dictionary

  • signpost — sign|post1 [ saın,poust ] noun count a sign next to a road showing where something is signpost sign|post 2 [ saın,poust ] verb transitive to make something very clear or noticeable …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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