- sidewhiskers
1> бакенбарды
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Uncle Tom's Cabin — infobox Book | name = Uncle Tom s Cabin title orig = translator = image caption = Uncle Tom s Cabin , Boston edition author = Harriet Beecher Stowe illustrator = Hammatt Billings (1st edition) cover artist = country = United States language =… … Wikipedia
Blackface — For other uses, see Blackface (disambiguation). This reproduction of a 1900 William H. West minstrel show poster, originally published by the Strobridge Litho Co., shows the transformation from white to black . Blackface is a form of theatrical… … Wikipedia
Mickey's Mellerdrammer — Directed by Wilfred Jackson Produced by Joseph Schenck … Wikipedia
Dundreary — /dun drēˈri/ adjective Like Lord Dundreary, in Tom Taylor s Our American Cousin (presented as a lisping and brainless dandy, wearing long sidewhiskers) … Useful english dictionary