- sidewalk superintendent
- [ʹsaıdwɔ:k͵s(j)u:pərınʹtendənt] амер. шутл.
«тротуарный надзиратель», зевака, любопытствующий (на месте строительства, сноса здания и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sidewalk superintendent — ☆ sidewalk superintendent n. Informal an onlooker at a construction or demolition site … English World dictionary
sidewalk superintendent — 1. n. someone who out of curiosity watches excavations being dug and buildings being built. □ All day, the lines of sidewalk superintendents oozed by. □ I don’t want any advice from a sidewalk superintendent. 2. n. any critic. □ If another… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
sidewalk superintendent — noun : one that watches demolition or construction work in progress * * * Informal. a bystander who watches the building, demolition, repair, or other work being done at a construction site. [1945 50] * * * sidewalk superintendent, Informal. a… … Useful english dictionary
sidewalk superintendent — noun A passer by or other person who watches work at a construction project from a sidewalk or other vantage point. Syn: kibitzer … Wiktionary
sidewalk superintendent — noun Date: 1940 a spectator at a building or demolition job … New Collegiate Dictionary
sidewalk superintendent — Informal. a bystander who watches the building, demolition, repair, or other work being done at a construction site. [1945 50] * * * … Universalium
sidewalk superintendent — Synonyms and related words: TV viewer, beholder, bird watcher, bystander, drugstore cowboy, eyewitness, gaper, gazer, gazer on, girl watcher, goggler, kibitzer, looker, looker on, observer, ogler, onlooker, perceiver, percipient, seer, spectator … Moby Thesaurus
sidewalk superintendent — side′walk superintend′ent n. a spectator at a construction site … From formal English to slang
sidewalksuperintendent — sidewalk superintendent n. Slang A pedestrian who stops to watch construction or demolition work. * * * … Universalium
State University of New York at Brockport — The College at Brockport: State University of New York Motto Expect the Extraordinary! Established 1867 Type Public … Wikipedia
List of American words not widely used in the United Kingdom — This is a list of American words not widely used in the United Kingdom.* Words with specific American meanings that have different meanings in British English and/or additional meanings common to both dialects (e.g. pants , crib ) are to be found … Wikipedia