- sidestepping
- [ʹsaıd͵stepıŋ] n
шаг в сторону (бокс)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sidestepping — v. evade, dodge, avoid; step to the side, step sideways … English contemporary dictionary
Strafing — is the practice of attacking ground targets from low flying aircraft. The term is usually applied to attack with aircraft mounted automatic weapons [ [http://usmilitary.about.com/od/glossarytermss/g/s5995.htm strafing ] ] , but may be applied to… … Wikipedia
Electronic meeting system — An electronic meeting system (EMS) is a type of computer software that facilitates creative problem solving and decision making of groups within or across organizations. The term was coined by Jay Nunamaker et al. in 1991. The term is synonymous… … Wikipedia
Bookland (type of land) — dablink Not to be confused with the Swedish provinces known as Folkland .Folkland (O.E. folcland ) and bookland (O.E. bocland ) are the two types of land tenure under Anglo Saxon law. Bookland refers to land that was vested by a charter, and all… … Wikipedia
Geography of Xanth — Xanth is a fictional universe created by author Piers Anthony. It is a magical land most often described as being shaped like the state of Florida. The geography of Xanth is, therefore, very similar to that of Florida. As is typical with the… … Wikipedia
Valse à deux temps — Valse à deux temps, waltz à deux temps ( waltz in two beats ), also Valse à deux pas ( waltz of two steps ) or Valse Russe ( Russian waltz ) (Russian name: вальс в два па ) was a waltz of Russian origin introduced in France in mid 19th century. A … Wikipedia
avoidance — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Refraining from Nouns 1. (act of avoiding) avoidance, evasion, default, circumvention, elusion, dodge, sidestep; abstinence, forbearance, refraining (See asceticism); departure; escape, flight; truancy,… … English dictionary for students
sidestep — verb (sidesteps, sidestepping, sidestepped) 1》 avoid by stepping sideways. 2》 avoid dealing with or discussing. noun an instance of sidestepping. Derivatives sidestepper noun … English new terms dictionary
sidestep — UK [ˈsaɪdˌstep] / US verb Word forms sidestep : present tense I/you/we/they sidestep he/she/it sidesteps present participle sidestepping past tense sidestepped past participle sidestepped 1) [transitive] to avoid something difficult or unpleasant … English dictionary
sidestep — [c]/ˈsaɪdstɛp / (say suydstep) verb (sidestepped, sidestepping) –verb (i) 1. to step to one side, as in avoidance. 2. to be evasive in reaching a decision, solving a problem, etc. 3. Skiing to climb a short hill by edging the skis into the slope… …
sidestep — ► VERB (sidestepped, sidestepping) 1) avoid by stepping sideways. 2) avoid dealing with or discussing. ► NOUN ▪ an instance of sidestepping … English terms dictionary