
[ʹsaıdbɔ:dz] n pl
бачки, короткие баки (при сбритой бороде)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sideboards" в других словарях:

  • sideboards — sideburns UK [ˈsaɪdˌbɜː(r)nz] / US [ˈsaɪdˌbɜrnz] or sideboards UK [ˈsaɪdˌbɔː(r)dz] / US [ˈsaɪdˌbɔrdz] noun [plural] British hair that grows down a man s cheeks …   English dictionary

  • sideboards — Brit. colloq. hair grown by a man down the sides of his face; side whiskers. * * * sideboards variant UK [ˈsaɪdˌbɔː(r)dz] US [ˈsaɪdˌbɔrdz] british Main entry: sideburns …   Useful english dictionary

  • sideboards — n. sideburns, patches of facial hair located directly in front of the ears (British)n. piece of dining room furniture in which table linens and tableware are stored; piece which forms the side of something …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Sideboard — A sideboard is an item of furniture traditionally used in the dining room for serving food, for displaying serving dishes such as silver, and for storage. It usually consists of a set of cabinets, or cupboards, and one or more drawers, all topped …   Wikipedia

  • sideboard — /suyd bawrd , bohrd /, n. 1. a piece of furniture, as in a dining room, often with shelves, drawers, etc., for holding articles of table service. 2. a board forming a side or a part of a side; sidepiece. 3. sideboards, Slang. See side whiskers.… …   Universalium

  • sideboard — [[t]sa͟ɪdbɔː(r)d[/t]] sideboards 1) N COUNT A sideboard is a long cupboard which is about the same height as a table. Sideboards are usually kept in dining rooms to put plates and glasses in. 2) N PLURAL Sideboards are the same as sideburns.… …   English dictionary

  • Sprint car racing — Sprint cars are high powered race cars designed primarily for the purpose of running on short oval or circular dirt or paved tracks. Sprint car racing is popular in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.Sprint cars have a high power to… …   Wikipedia

  • Gettysburg furniture companies — The Gettysburg furniture companies were the largest manufacturing concern and major employeer in Adams County, Pennsylvania, from the early 1900 s to the 1950 s.FoundationsIn 1901 in Orrtanna, Levi Starner [… …   Wikipedia

  • Aparador — Aparador. Un aparador es un mueble que se utiliza para guardar la vajilla y otros útiles destinados al servicio de mesa. Los aparadores son muebles con cajones o armarios en el que se introducen los manteles, vajillas y cuberterías necesarios… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Welsh dresser — A Welsh dresser on display in Bedford Museum A Welsh dresser (British English) or a china hutch (American English) and sometimes known as a kitchen dresser or pewter cupboard, is a piece of wooden furniture consisting of drawers and cupboards in… …   Wikipedia

  • sideburns — = SIDEBOARDS. Etymology: burnsides pl. of burnside f. General Burnside d. 1881 who affected this style * * * nz noun plural Etymology: anagram of burnsides 1. : side whiskers; especially : short side whiskers worn with a smooth chin …   Useful english dictionary

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