
[ʹsıkən] v
1. 1) заболевать

to sicken of a disease - заболеть чем-л.

he sickened and died - он заболел и умер

he is sickening for mumps - он заболевает свинкой

2) вызывать заболевание
2. 1) чувствовать тошноту

he sickens at the smell - от этого запаха его тошнит

2) вызывать тошноту

rich food sickens him - его тошнит от жирной пищи

3. 1) испытывать отвращение; чувствовать себя плохо

he sickens at the sight of blood - ему становится дурно при виде крови

he sickens at the mere idea of cruelty - ему отвратительна сама мысль о жестокости

2) внушать отвращение; вызывать недомогание

he is sickened by the sight of blood - вид крови вызывает у него дурноту

4. 1) испытывать досаду, раздражение

he sickened of his new neighbour - ему надоел его новый сосед

2) внушать досаду, раздражение
5. 1) изнемогать, изнывать, томиться желанием
2) вызывать изнеможение
6. слабеть

her resolution sickened - её решимость поколебалась

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Смотреть что такое "sicken" в других словарях:

  • Sicken — Sick en, v. i. 1. To become sick; to fall into disease. [1913 Webster] The judges that sat upon the jail, and those that attended, sickened upon it and died. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. To be filled to disgust; to be disgusted or nauseated; to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sicken — Sick en, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sickened}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sickening}.] 1. To make sick; to disease. [1913 Webster] Raise this strength, and sicken that to death. Prior. [1913 Webster] 2. To make qualmish; to nauseate; to disgust; as, to sicken… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sicken of — [phrasal verb] sicken of (something) US : to lose interest in (something) because you have had too much of it He soon sickened of [=got sick of] busy city life and moved out to the country. • • • Main Entry: ↑sicken …   Useful english dictionary

  • sicken — ► VERB 1) make disgusted or appalled. 2) become ill. 3) (sicken for) begin to show symptoms of (an illness). 4) (sickening) informal very irritating or annoying. DERIVATIVES sickeningly adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • sicken — index degenerate, disable, languish, repel (disgust) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • sicken — (v.) c.1200, to become sick, originally the verb was simply sick (mid 12c.), from SICK (Cf. sick) (adj.) + EN (Cf. en) (1). Transf. sense of to make sick is recorded from 1690s. Related: Sickened; SICKENING (Cf. sickening) …   Etymology dictionary

  • sicken — *disgust, nauseate Analogous words: revolt, offend, repulse (see corresponding adjectives at OFFENSIVE) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • sicken — [v] revolt, make ill affect, afflict, derange, disgust, disorder, gross out*, nauseate, offend, reluct, repel, repulse, turn, turn one’s stomach*, unhinge, unsettle, upset; concepts 14,246 Ant. cure, heal, help, make well, mend …   New thesaurus

  • sicken — [sik′ən] vt., vi. [ME sekenen] to make or become sick, ill, disgusted, distressed, etc. sickener n …   English World dictionary

  • Sicken — Einbringen einer Sicke in ein zylindrisches Rohr aus Blech Sicken sind manuell oder maschinell hergestellte rinnenförmige Vertiefungen in Blech, Zylindern, Rohren, Gefäßen, Drähten usw., die zur Erhöhung der Steifigkeit von Einzelteilen oder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sicken — sị|cken 〈V. tr.; hat〉 mit Sicken versehen [→ Sicke1] * * * Sicken,   Fertigungstechnik: Umformverfahren zur Herstellung rinnenartiger und bauchiger Vertiefungen in Blechteilen geringer Dicke, um diese zu versteifen oder zu verzieren; gehört wie… …   Universal-Lexikon

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