- siccative
- 1. [ʹsıkətıv] n хим.
сиккатив, сушильное вещество2. [ʹsıkətıv] a хим.сушильный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
siccative — (adj.) 1540s, from L.L. siccativus drying, siccative, from L. siccatus, pp. of siccare to dry, from siccus dry, from PIE root *seikw to flow out (Cf. Avestan hiku dry, Gk. iskhnos dry, withered, Lith. seklus sha … Etymology dictionary
Siccative — Sic ca*tive, a. [L. siccativus.] Drying; causing to dry. n. That which promotes drying. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
siccative — [sik′ə tiv] adj. [LL siccativus < L siccatus, pp. of siccare: see DESICCATE] causing to dry; drying n. a substance that promotes drying, esp. a DRIER (sense 1) … English World dictionary
siccative — /sik euh tiv/, adj. 1. causing or promoting absorption of moisture; drying. n. 2. a siccative substance, esp. in paint. [1540 50; < LL siccativus, equiv. to L siccat(us) (ptp. of siccare to dry up; see SACK3, ATE1) + ivus IVE] * * * … Universalium
siccative — ● siccatif, siccative adjectif (bas latin siccativus, du latin classique siccare, secher) Se dit d une matière (huiles de lin, de bois de Chine) qui, appliquée en couche mince, est apte à se polymériser sous l action de l air et, éventuellement,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
siccative — /ˈsɪkətɪv/ (say sikuhtiv) adjective 1. causing or promoting absorption of moisture; drying. –noun 2. a siccative substance, especially in paint. {Late Latin siccātīvus, from siccāre to dry} …
siccative — sikatyvas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Pokosto, aliejinių lakų ir dažų džiūvimą greitinanti medžiaga. atitikmenys: angl. drier; dryer; siccative rus. сиккатив … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Siccative — Siccatif Un siccatif est une substance qui joue un rôle de catalyseur en accélérant le séchage ou durcissement (polymérisation) d un matériaux vis à vis de l eau ou plus souvent d une huile ou peinture à base d huile (pour le bâtiment ou les… … Wikipédia en Français
siccative — noun Drier, a catalyst used to promote drying … Wiktionary
siccative — SYN: siccant … Medical dictionary
siccative — sic·ca·tive || sɪkÉ™tɪv n. substance that causes drying (added to paints and other substances) adj. drying, causing the absorption of moisture (about a substance) … English contemporary dictionary