- sibyl
- [ʹsıbıl] n
1. др.-рим. и др.-греч. Сивилла2. (sibyl) прорицательница, пророчица3. Сибил; Сибилла (женское имя)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sibyl — Sib yl, n. [L. sibylla, Gr. ????.] 1. (Class. Antiq.) A woman supposed to be endowed with a spirit of prophecy. [1913 Webster] Note: The number of the sibyls is variously stated by different authors; but the opinion of Varro, that there were ten … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sibyl — steht für: HMS Sibyl (P217), britisches U Boot im Zweiten Weltkrieg eine englische Form des Vornamens Sibylle Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begr … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sibyl — [sib′əl] n. [L Sibylla: see SIBYL] a feminine name: var. Sybil … English World dictionary
Sibyl — f English: variant spelling of SYBIL (SEE Sybil). Even in classical times there was confusion between the vowels in this word. Variants: Sibylla (Latinate form, common in Denmark and Sweden); Sibilla; Sibella (by association with the Italian… … First names dictionary
sibyl — c.1300, from O.Fr. sibile, from L. Sibylla, from Gk. Sibylla, name for any of several prophetesses consulted by ancient Greeks and Romans, of uncertain origin. Said to be from Doric Siobolla, from Attic Theoboule divine wish … Etymology dictionary
sibyl — ► NOUN 1) (in ancient times) a woman supposedly able to utter the oracles and prophecies of a god. 2) literary a woman able to foretell the future. DERIVATIVES sibylline adjective. ORIGIN Greek Sibulla … English terms dictionary
sibyl — [sib′əl] n. [ME sibille < L sibylla < Gr] 1. any of certain women consulted as prophetesses by the ancient Greeks and Romans 2. a fortuneteller … English World dictionary
Sibyl — The word sibyl probably comes (via Latin) from the Greek word sibylla , meaning prophetess. (Other schools of thought suggest that the word may have come from Arabic.) The earlier oracular seeresses known as the sibyls of antiquity, who… … Wikipedia
sibyl — /sib euhl/, n. 1. any of certain women of antiquity reputed to possess powers of prophecy or divination. 2. a female prophet or witch. [1250 1300; < Gk Síbylla SIBYLLA; r. ME Sibil < ML Sibilla < Gk, as above] Syn. seer, prophetess, oracle,… … Universalium
Sibyl — /sib euhl/, n. a female given name. Also, Sibylle. * * * Prophetess of Greek legend. She was a figure of the mythical past whose prophecies, phrased in Greek hexameters, were handed down in writing. In the late 4th century BC, the number of… … Universalium
sibyl — noun A pagan female oracle or prophetess, especially the . A sibyl, that had numberd in the world … Wiktionary