- shrubby
- [ʹʃrʌbı] a
1. 1) кустарниковый; состоящий из кустов2) похожий на куст2. поросший кустарником
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Shrubby — Shrub by, a. [Compar. {Shrubbier}; superl. {Shrubbiest}.] 1. Full of shrubs. [1913 Webster] 2. Of the nature of a shrub; resembling a shrub. Shrubby browse. J. Philips. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shrubby — [shrubē] adj. shrubbier, shrubbiest 1. covered with shrubs 2. like a shrub shrubbiness n … English World dictionary
shrubby — [[t]ʃrʌ̱bi[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n A shrubby plant is like a shrub. ...a shrubby tree … English dictionary
shrubby — UK [ˈʃrʌbɪ] / US adjective Word forms shrubby : adjective shrubby comparative shrubbier superlative shrubbiest growing low and thick like a shrub … English dictionary
shrubby — shrub ► NOUN ▪ a woody plant which is smaller than a tree and has several main stems arising at or near the ground. DERIVATIVES shrubby adjective. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
Shrubby Cinquefoil — Dasiphora fruticosa subsp. floribunda Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
shrubby althea — noun see shrubby althaea * * * shrubby althea, rose of Sharon. (Cf. ↑rose of Sharon) … Useful english dictionary
Shrubby horsetail — Horsetail Horse tail , n. 1. (Bot.) A leafless plant, with hollow and rushlike stems. It is of the genus {Equisetum}, and is allied to the ferns. See Illust. of {Equisetum}. [1913 Webster] 2. A Turkish standard, denoting rank. [1913 Webster] Note … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shrubby horsetail — Joint fir Joint fir , n. (Bot.) A genus ({Ephedra}) of leafless shrubs, with the stems conspicuously jointed; called also {shrubby horsetail}. There are about thirty species, of which two or three are found from Texas to California. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shrubby jointvetch — kvapusis žibėtras statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Pupinių šeimos pašarinis augalas (Aeschynomene evenia), paplitęs Šiaurės ir Pietų Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Aeschynomene evenia angl. evenia jointvetch; shrubby jointvetch šaltinis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
shrubby basil — krūminis bazilikas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Notrelinių šeimos vaistinis augalas (Ocimum gratissimum), paplitęs Afrikoje ir pietų Azijoje. Iš jo gaunamas eterinis aliejus. atitikmenys: lot. Ocimum gratissimum; Ocimum suave; Ocimum… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)