- shrovetide
- [ʹʃrəʋvtaıd] n
масленица (продолжается три дня)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Shrovetide — • Some history behind Carnival Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Shrovetide Shrovetide † … Catholic encyclopedia
Shrovetide — Shrove tide , n. [From shrive to take a confession (OE. imp. shrof, AS. scr[=a]f) + tide.] The days immediately preceding Ash Widnesday, especially the period between the evening before Quinguagesima Sunday and the morning of Ash Wednesday. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shrovetide — [shrōv′tīd΄] n. [ME schroffetide < shriven, to SHRIVE + TIDE1] former name for the time, esp. the Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday: cf. MARDI GRAS), just before Ash Wednesday: so called from the custom of preparing for Lent by sacramental confession… … English World dictionary
Shrovetide — In the Christian calendar, the three days before Lent were known as Shrovetide, taking their name from shrive or confess. Lent being the longest and strictest fast, however, has given to Shrovetide the character of being the last chance for… … A Dictionary of English folklore
Shrovetide-Fußballspiel — Das Shrovetide Fußballspiel (Royal Shrovetide Football) ist ein alljährlich am Faschingsdienstag und Aschermittwoch stattfindendes Fußballspiel in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, Großbritannien. Es findet mindestens seit dem 12. Jahrhundert statt. Das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shrovetide — noun Etymology: Middle English schroftide, from schrof (from shriven to shrive) + tide Date: 15th century the period usually of three days immediately preceding Ash Wednesday … New Collegiate Dictionary
Shrovetide — /shrohv tuyd /, n. the three days before Ash Wednesday, once a time of confession and absolution. [1375 1425; late ME shroftyde. See SHROVE, TIDE1] * * * … Universalium
Shrovetide — noun The three days immediately preceding Lent; Shrove Sunday, Shrove Monday, and Shrove Tuesday, preceding Ash Wednesday … Wiktionary
SHROVETIDE — confession time, especially the days immediately before Lent, when, in Catholic times, the people confessed their sins to the parish priest and afterwards gave themselves up to sports, and dined on pancakes, Shrove Tuesday being Tuesday before … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Shrovetide — n. period of time immediately preceding Lent … English contemporary dictionary
Shrovetide — noun Shrove Tuesday and the two days preceding it, when it was formerly customary to attend confession … English new terms dictionary