Смотреть что такое "shoveller" в других словарях:
shoveller — (Brit.) n. one who shovels, one who digs or moves material with a shovel; freshwater duck with a long broad bill that lives in the northern hemisphere … English contemporary dictionary
Shoveller — This most interesting surname may have arisen from either of two possible sources. Firstly, it may be of Anglo Saxon origin, as a nickname for someone with broad shoulders, or some peculiarity of the shoulders, from the Olde English pre 7th… … Surnames reference
shoveller — noun see shoveler … New Collegiate Dictionary
shoveller — shov·el·ler (shŭvʹə lər, shŭvʹlər) n. Variant of shoveler. * * * … Universalium
shoveller — (US shoveler) noun 1》 a person or thing that shovels something. 2》 (usu. shoveler) a dabbling duck with a long broad bill. [Anas clypeata and related species.] … English new terms dictionary
shoveller — shov·el·ler … English syllables
shoveller — /ˈʃʌvələ/ (say shuvuhluh) noun 1. Also, US, shoveler. someone or something that shovels. 2. → shoveler (defs 1 and 2). {shovel1 + l + er1} …
shoveller — n. (also shoveler) 1 a person or thing that shovels. 2 a duck, Anas clypeata, with a broad shovel like beak. Etymology: SHOVEL: sense 2 earlier shovelard f. ARD, perh. after mallard … Useful english dictionary
Stanley Shoveller — Stanley Howard Shoveller (September 2, 1881 February 24, 1959) is a former field hockey player, who won a gold medal with the England team at the 1908 Summer Olympics in London. Eight years later, when Antwerp hosted the 1920 Summer Olympics, he… … Wikipedia
Stanley Shoveller — est un joueur britannique de hockey sur gazon (2 septembre 1881 – 24 février 1959), membre de l’équipe olympique qui remporta la médaille d’or aux Jeux olympiques de Londres en 1908 et d Anvers en 1920. Portail du sport … Wikipédia en Français
shovellers — shoveller (Brit.) n. one who shovels, one who digs or moves material with a shovel; freshwater duck with a long broad bill that lives in the northern hemisphere … English contemporary dictionary