- shorttempered
1> вспыльчивый, невыдержанный; раздражительный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Anne of Bohemia — (1366–1394) Anne of Bohemia was the daughter of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV and in 1382 became the wife of King RICHARD II of England. She became popular among her English subjects and seems to have been a steady and calming influence… … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
fretful — [adj] irritable captious, carping*, caviling, complaining, contrary, crabby*, cranky*, critical, cross, crotchety*, edgy, faultfinding, fractious, huffy*, mean, ornery*, out of sorts*, peevish, perverse, petulant, querulous, shorttempered,… … New thesaurus
irascible — [adj] crabby angry, bearish, bristly, cantankerous, choleric, crabbed, cranky, cross, feisty, fractious, grouchy, hasty, hot tempered, huffy, ireful, irritable, ogre, passionate, peevish, petulant, querulous, quick tempered, shorttempered,… … New thesaurus
quick-tempered — [adj] easily upset, angered choleric, cranky, cross, excitable, fiery, hottempered, impatient, impulsive, inflammable, irascible, irritable, passionate, peppery, petulant, quarrelsome, ratty, sensitive, shorttempered, shrewish, splenetic,… … New thesaurus