shoptalk — [shäp′tôk΄] n. 1. the specialized or technical vocabulary and idioms of those in the same work, profession, etc.: see SLANG1 2. conversation about one s work or business, esp. after hours … English World dictionary
shoptalk — /shop tawk /, n. 1. the specialized vocabulary having to do with work or a field of work: I don t understand electronics shoptalk. 2. talk about one s work or occupation, esp. after the workday is over. [1880 85; SHOP + TALK] * * * … Universalium
shoptalk — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : the jargon or subject matter peculiar to an occupation or a special area of interest graduate students … talking their highly specialized shoptalk Dorothy Baker … Useful english dictionary
shoptalk — noun Date: 1881 the jargon or subject matter peculiar to an occupation or a special area of interest … New Collegiate Dictionary
shoptalk — noun Discussion of business in a social setting, especially using jargon … Wiktionary
shoptalk — Synonyms and related words: Varietyese, Wall Streetese, Washingtonese, business English, businessese, cinemese, collegese, commercialism, computerese, economese, federalese, journalese, legalese, medical Greek, medicalese, newspaperese,… … Moby Thesaurus
shoptalk — n. professional jargon, special terminology used by members of a particular occupation; talk about work, conversation about one s job … English contemporary dictionary
shoptalk — shop•talk [[t]ˈʃɒpˌtɔk[/t]] n. 1) conversation about one s work or occupation 2) the specialized vocabulary having to do with work … From formal English to slang
shoptalk — /ˈʃɒptɔk/ (say shoptawk) noun talk about the business in which people are engaged, especially on social occasions when it would be more polite to join in the general conversation …
shop|talk — «SHOP TK», noun. 1. talk about one s work or occupation, especially outside of working hours; talking shop: »Mere shoptalk, while of course it is heard, is not encouraged or admired for its own sake (New York Times). 2. the informal language of… … Useful english dictionary
Jonathan Holden — the first Poet Laureate of Kansas, is a Professor of English at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Chosen in 2004, his two year term began July 1, 2005. He was succeeded by Denise Low on July 1, 2007.Biography/educationHolden was born i … Wikipedia