- shooting war
- [ʹʃu:tıŋwɔ:]
«горячая» война, настоящая война (в отличие от холодной войны); боевые действия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Shooting War — is a webcomic and graphic novel by writer Anthony Lappé and artist Dan Goldman. It originated on SMITH Magazine, a web magazine about storytelling in all its forms. The story is set in the year 2011 with John McCain as the American president. It… … Wikipedia
shooting war — shooting wars N COUNT When two countries in conflict engage in a shooting war, they fight each other with weapons rather than opposing each other by diplomatic or other means. [JOURNALISM] … English dictionary
shooting war — noun : a war or warfare involving military operations and actual conflict between armed forces compare cold war, war of nerves … Useful english dictionary
shooting war — /ˈʃutɪŋ wɔ/ (say shoohting waw) noun open war between countries involving actual conflict between armies, etc. Compare cold war …
shooting war — open conflict between hostile nations involving direct military engagements. * * * … Universalium
shooting — n. & adj. n. 1 the act or an instance of shooting. 2 a the right of shooting over an area of land. b an estate etc. rented to shoot over. adj. moving, growing, etc. quickly (a shooting pain in the arm). Phrases and idioms: shooting box Brit. a… … Useful english dictionary
war — Synonyms and related words: American Revolution, Ares, Athena, Balkan Wars, Bellona, Boer War, Civil War, Crimean War, Crusades, Enyo, Franco Prussian War, French Revolution, Gallic Wars, Greco Persian Wars, Indian Wars, Indochina War, Kilkenny… … Moby Thesaurus
Shooting Guard — [ˈʃuːtɪŋ gɑːɹd] (engl., zu deutsch etwa werfender Verteidiger) ist eine Positionsbezeichnung in der Sportart Basketball. Zusammen mit den Point Guard bilden sie den Backcourt. Alternativ wird er auch Two Guard (die Positionen sind im Basketball… … Deutsch Wikipedia
War in Afghanistan (2001–present) — War in Afghanistan Part of the Afghan civil war and the War on Terror … Wikipedia
shooting — [sho͞ot′iŋ] n. the act or an instance of shooting a gun, specif., one that results in wounding or killing * * * ➡ field sports * * * Sport of gun marksmanship. It typically involves firing at targets with rifles, pistols, and shotguns. World… … Universalium
War on Terrorism casualties — War on Terrorism casualties: Casualties of United States and campaign allies KilledMilitary and para military casualties onlyAfghanistan and Iraq fronts*United States: 4,774 killed, 1 POW/MIA, 11 ex POW/MIA [http://icasualties.org/oif/ Iraq… … Wikipedia