shoot ahead

shoot ahead
[ʹʃu:təʹhed] phr v
1. 1) мчаться
2) вырываться вперёд, обгонять
3) спорт. делать рывок (в беге, скачках и т. п.)
2. мор. подниматься к ветру

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shoot ahead" в других словарях:

  • shoot\ ahead\ of — • shoot ahead of • shoot past • shoot through • shoot alongside of v. phr. To move or drive ahead rapidly. To leave or pass through quickly. As we had to slow down before the tunnel, a red sports car shot ahead of us …   Словарь американских идиом

  • shoot ahead — Synonyms and related words: bestride, bypass, cross, dart ahead, dash ahead, distance, drive, drive on, ford, forge ahead, get ahead of, go across, go ahead, go all out, go by, hold the field, hustle, leave behind, make a dash, make a spurt, make …   Moby Thesaurus

  • shoot ahead of — or[past] or[through] or[alongside of] {v. phr.} To move or drive ahead rapidly. * /As we had to slow down before the tunnel, a red sports car shot ahead of us./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • shoot ahead of — or[past] or[through] or[alongside of] {v. phr.} To move or drive ahead rapidly. * /As we had to slow down before the tunnel, a red sports car shot ahead of us./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • To shoot ahead — Shoot Shoot, v. i. 1. To cause an engine or weapon to discharge a missile; said of a person or an agent; as, they shot at a target; he shoots better than he rides. [1913 Webster] The archers have . . . shot at him. Gen. xlix. 23. [1913 Webster] 2 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shoot — [ʆuːt] verb shot PTandPP [ʆɒt ǁ ʆɑːt] [intransitive] to quickly increase in number or amount: shoot above/​from/​to • Oil prices shot above $40 a barrel. • The monthly interest rate shot to 10% in January. shoot ahead phrasa …   Financial and business terms

  • Shoot — Shoot, v. i. 1. To cause an engine or weapon to discharge a missile; said of a person or an agent; as, they shot at a target; he shoots better than he rides. [1913 Webster] The archers have . . . shot at him. Gen. xlix. 23. [1913 Webster] 2. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shoot\ alongside\ of — • shoot ahead of • shoot past • shoot through • shoot alongside of v. phr. To move or drive ahead rapidly. To leave or pass through quickly. As we had to slow down before the tunnel, a red sports car shot ahead of us …   Словарь американских идиом

  • shoot\ past — • shoot ahead of • shoot past • shoot through • shoot alongside of v. phr. To move or drive ahead rapidly. To leave or pass through quickly. As we had to slow down before the tunnel, a red sports car shot ahead of us …   Словарь американских идиом

  • shoot\ through — • shoot ahead of • shoot past • shoot through • shoot alongside of v. phr. To move or drive ahead rapidly. To leave or pass through quickly. As we had to slow down before the tunnel, a red sports car shot ahead of us …   Словарь американских идиом

  • shoot — v., n., & int. v. (past and past part. shot) 1 tr. a cause (a gun, bow, etc.) to fire. b discharge (a bullet, arrow, etc.) from a gun, bow, etc. c kill or wound (a person, animal, etc.) with a bullet, arrow, etc. from a gun, bow, etc. 2 intr.… …   Useful english dictionary

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