
1. [ʹʃıvə] n
1. 1) дрожь, трепет, содрогание; дрожание

a shiver of horror - дрожь ужаса

to give a shiver - заставить поёжиться

a shiver went down one's spine - по спине /по коже/ мороз прошёл

2) pl припадок дрожи (от ужаса, омерзения и т. п.)

to get /to have/ the shivers - содрогаться от ужаса, омерзения и т. п.

to give smb. the cold shivers - привести кого-л. в трепет, заставить кого-л. содрогнуться

it gives me the shivers to think of it - без содрогания не могу об этом думать, меня в дрожь бросает от одной мысли об этом

2. pl разг. лихорадка; озноб

he has the shivers - его трясёт /треплет лихорадка/

2. [ʹʃıvə] v
1. дрожать; вздрагивать; трястись; трепетать

to shiver with cold [with fear, with anger, with fury] - трястись от холода [от страха, от гнева, от ярости]

to shiver inwardly [from head to foot] - содрогаться внутренне [дрожать всем телом]

to shiver at the thought of smth. - содрогнуться при мысли о чём-л.

2. мор. заполаскивать (о парусах)
1. [ʹʃıvə] n
1. обыкн. pl осколок, обломок

all to shivers - вдребезги

to break /to smash/ in /into/ shivers - разбить вдребезги

2. мин. сланец
2. [ʹʃıvə] v
1) разбивать вдребезги

to shiver a glass [a mirror, a vase] - разбить вдребезги стакан [зеркало, вазу]

2) разбиваться

shiver my soul!, shiver my timbers! - мор. жарг. чёрт меня побери!

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shiver" в других словарях:

  • shiver — ‘tremble’ [13] and shiver ‘sliver, fragment’ [12] are different words. The former was originally chiver, which may have been an alteration of an earlier chevel ‘shiver’. This in shoal 454 turn was derived from the Old English noun ceaft ‘jaw’… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • shiver — Ⅰ. shiver [1] ► VERB ▪ shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited. ► NOUN 1) a momentary trembling movement. 2) (the shivers) a spell or attack of shivering. DERIVATIVES …   English terms dictionary

  • shiver — ‘tremble’ [13] and shiver ‘sliver, fragment’ [12] are different words. The former was originally chiver, which may have been an alteration of an earlier chevel ‘shiver’. This in turn was derived from the Old English noun ceaft ‘jaw’ (source of… …   Word origins

  • Shiver — Shiv er, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shivered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shivering}.] [OE. schiveren, scheveren; cf. OD. scheveren. See {Shiver} a fragment.] To break into many small pieces, or splinters; to shatter; to dash to pieces by a blow; as, to shiver a …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shiver — Shiv er, n. [OE. schivere, fr. shive; cf. G. schifer a splinter, slate, OHG. scivere a splinter, Dan. & Sw. skifer a slate. See {Shive}, and cf. {Skever}.] 1. One of the small pieces, or splinters, into which a brittle thing is broken by sudden… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shiver — Shiv er, v. i. To separate suddenly into many small pieces or parts; to be shattered. [1913 Webster] There shiver shafts upon shields thick. Chaucer [1913 Webster] The natural world, should gravity once cease, . . . would instantly shiver into… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shiver — Shiv er, v. i. [OE. chiveren, cheveren; of uncertain origin. This word seems to have been confused with shiver to shatter.] To tremble; to vibrate; to quiver; to shake, as from cold or fear. [1913 Webster] Prometheus is laid On icy Caucasus to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shiver — puede referirse a: Shiver, una canción de la banda británica Coldplay. Shiver, primer single del álbum Counting Down the Days de la cantante australiana Natalie Imbruglia. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo …   Wikipedia Español

  • Shiver — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Deutschrock, Pop Rock Gründung 1998 Website http://www …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • shiver — vb shatter, *break, crack, burst, bust, snap shiver vb quiver, shudder, quaver, *shake, tremble, quake, totter, wobble, teeter, shimmy, dither …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • shiver — [v1] shake, tremble be cold, dither, flutter, freeze, have the quivers, have the shakes, palpitate, quake, quaver, quiver, shudder, tremor, twitter, vibrate, wave; concepts 152,185 Ant. steady shiver [v2] shatter; break into small pieces burst,… …   New thesaurus

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