Смотреть что такое "shiva" в других словарях:
Shiva — Shiva, “the beneficent one,” is the divinity at the center of the largest Hindu religious sect. The tra dition identifies Shiva with the Vedic god RUDRA, a fierce divinity who caused diseases of cattle and men and was propitiated out of fear.… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
shiva — [shi′və] n. [< Heb shiva, seven] [often not in italics] Judaism the formal mourning period of seven days, observed as in the home of the deceased, during which friends visit and comfort the bereaved: often in the phrase sit shiva, to observe… … English World dictionary
Shiva — (शिवः Śivá, el Auspicioso ) es el dios destructor de la Tri murti ( tres formas , la Trinidad hindú) junto a Brahmâ (dios creador) y a Vishnu (dios preservador). En el shivaísmo (o religión saiva o saivita) es la deidad principal es Rudra Shiva,… … Enciclopedia Universal
shiva — see SHIVAH (Cf. shivah) … Etymology dictionary
Shiva — [shē′və] n. var. of SIVA … English World dictionary
Shiva — For other uses, see Shiva (disambiguation). Shiva A statue de … Wikipedia
Shiva — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Shiva (homonymie). Shiva Monture … Wikipédia en Français
Shivá — En el marco del hinduismo, Shivá (शिवः Śivá, ‘auspicioso’) es el dios destructor en la Tri murti (‘tres formas’, la Trinidad hindú) junto a Brahmá (dios creador) y a Visnú (dios preservador). Estatua de Shivá … Wikipedia Español
Shiva — Statue von Shiva in Bangalore, 22. Dezember 2005 Shiva (sans. शिव śiva [ɕɪʋʌ]; Glückverheißender ) ist einer der wichtigsten Götter des Hinduismus. Im Shivaismus gilt er den Gläubigen als die wichtigste Manifestation des Höchsten. Zusammen mit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shiva — Shivaism, n. Shivaist, n. Shivaistic, adj. /shee veuh/, n. Hinduism. the Destroyer, the third member of the Trimurti, along with Brahma the Creator and Vishnu the Preserver. Also, Siva. [ < Skt: lit., the auspicious] * * * or Siva Major deity of … Universalium
Shiva — Shi|va 〈[ ʃi:va] m. 6; unz.〉 = Schiwa * * * Shiva [ʃ ; Sanskrit »der Gütige«], indischer Gott; verkörpert innerhalb der hinduistischen Dreiheit der obersten Götter (Trimurti) den Aspekt der Auflösung und Zerstörung; trägt als höchster Gott den… … Universal-Lexikon