
1. [ʹʃɜ:tteıl] n
1. подол рубашки

your shirttail is showing - у тебя рубашка вылезла (из брюк и т. п.)

2. амер.
1) краткое дополнение в конце газетного сообщения или статьи
2) что-л. незначительное; привесок, добавка
2. [ʹʃɜ:tteıl] a амер.
1. ребяческий

shirttail boys - ≅ сопливые ребятишки

2. отдалённый (о родстве)

shirttail cousin - дальний родственник; ≅ седьмая вода на киселе

3. мелкий, незначительный

shirttail ranch - убогая ферма, клочок земли

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shirttail" в других словарях:

  • shirttail — ☆ shirttail [shʉrt′tāl΄ ] n. 1. the part of a shirt extending below the waist 2. Slang information added, often by a different writer, at the end of a newspaper article adj. ☆ Informal being only distantly related [a shirttail cousin] …   English World dictionary

  • shirttail — I. noun Date: 1809 1. the part of a shirt that reaches below the waist especially in the back 2. something small or inadequate II. adjective Date: 1845 1. very young ; immature < shirttail boys fishing in the creek > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • shirttail — /sherrt tayl /, n. 1. the part of a shirt below the waistline. 2. Journalism. a brief item added at the end of a related newspaper story. Cf. follow up (def. 3b). adj. 3. quite young and immature in behavior. 4. Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S.… …   Universalium

  • shirttail — noun The single or split (then rather plural) bottom part of a shirt, below the waist, especially in the back, which, when not tucked into trousers or other vestment, hangs over the wearers tail end, like a tail …   Wiktionary

  • shirttail — shirt|tail [ ʃɜrt,teıl ] noun count the bottom part of a man s shirt that is worn inside his pants, especially the longer part at the back …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • shirttail — see shirt tail …   English dictionary

  • shirttail — n. bottom part of a shirt that reaches below the waist, part of a shirt that is usually tucked into one s pants …   English contemporary dictionary

  • shirttail — shirt•tail [[t]ˈʃɜrtˌteɪl[/t]] n. 1) the part of a shirt below the waistline 2) cvb immature in behavior 3) cvb dial. Midland U.S. of distant relation, esp. by marriage 4) cvb inf to append or add (an item) to a discussion or writing • Etymology …   From formal English to slang

  • shirttail — noun 1. a brief addendum at the end of a newspaper article • Hypernyms: ↑appendix • Part Holonyms: ↑news article, ↑news story, ↑newspaper article 2. fabric forming the tail of a shirt • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Girl Genius — Agatha, main character of Girl Genius Author(s) Phil Kaja Foglio Website …   Wikipedia

  • Venturing (Boy Scouts of America) — For other uses, see Venture (disambiguation). Venturing Owner …   Wikipedia

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