- shindy
- [ʹʃındı] n разг.
1. шум, скандал, суматоха; свалка
to kick up a shindy - затеять свалку; поднять шум
2. веселье, увеселения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to kick up a shindy - затеять свалку; поднять шум
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Shindy — Shin dy, n.; pl. {Shindies}. [Etymol. uncertain; cf. {Shinney}, {Shinty}.] 1. An uproar or disturbance; a spree; a row; a riot. [Slang] Thackeray. [1913 Webster] 2. Hockey; shinney. Bartlett. [1913 Webster] 3. A fancy or liking. [Local, U. S.]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shindy — index riot Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
shindy — [shin′dē] n. pl. shindies [< ?] [Old Informal] Informal former 1. a noisy disturbance; commotion; row 2. SHINDIG … English World dictionary
shindy — [19] Shindy is an alteration of shinty [18], the name of a rumbustious Scottish game resembling hockey which was also used in the 19th century for a ‘commotion’. Shinty itself appears to be a lexicalization of shin t’ ye ‘shin to you’, a cry… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
shindy — [19] Shindy is an alteration of shinty [18], the name of a rumbustious Scottish game resembling hockey which was also used in the 19th century for a ‘commotion’. Shinty itself appears to be a lexicalization of shin t’ ye ‘shin to you’, a cry… … Word origins
shindy — /ˈʃɪndi/ (say shindee) noun (plural shindies) 1. a row; rumpus. 2. a merrymaking; party: *me and some other fellers had been stoppin up a bit late the night before, and kickin up a bit of a shindy –henry handel richardson, 1917. {? alteration of… …
shindy — n. (pl. ies) colloq. 1 a brawl, disturbance, or noise (kicked up a shindy). 2 = SHINDIG 1. Etymology: perh. alt. of SHINTY … Useful english dictionary
shindy — noun (plural shindys or shindies) Etymology: probably alteration of 1shinny Date: 1814 1. shindig 1 2. fracas, uproar … New Collegiate Dictionary
shindy — /shin dee/, n., pl. shindies. Informal. 1. a row; rumpus. 2. a shindig. [1810 20; var. of obs. shinty row, orig., game resembling field hockey, SHINNY1] * * * … Universalium
shindy — noun A shindig. Well, from what I hear, Dr. Buckie went on, complacently, therell be more shindies. So look out! … Wiktionary
shindy — Synonyms and related words: Bedlam let loose, Kaffeeklatsch, ado, bal, bal costume, bal masque, ball, barn dance, barney, bash, bedlam, blast, blowout, bobbery, bother, brawl, broil, brouhaha, charivari, chirm, clamor, clangor, clap, clatter,… … Moby Thesaurus