- shieldfern
1> _бот. щитовник (Dryopteris gen.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
List of Canadian plants by family D — Main page: List of Canadian plants by familyFamilies: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z Daltoniaceae * Daltonia splachnoides Dennstaedtiaceae * Dennstaedtia punctilobula eastern hay scented… … Wikipedia
List of Canadian plants by genus D — Below is a list of Canadian plants by genus. Due to the vastness of Canada s biodiversity, this page is divided.This is a (partial) list of the plant species considered native to Canada. Many of the plants seen in Canada are introduced, either… … Wikipedia
Lastreopsis Ching — Symbol LASTR Common Name shieldfern Botanical Family Dryopteridaceae … Scientific plant list
Lastreopsis effusa (Sw.) Tindale — Symbol LAEF Common Name false shieldfern Botanical Family Dryopteridaceae … Scientific plant list
Lastreopsis effusa (Sw.) Tindale — Symbol LAEF Common Name false shieldfern Botanical Family Dryopteridaceae … Scientific plant list
Lastreopsis — ID 45023 Symbol Key LASTR Common Name shieldfern Family Dryopteridaceae Category Fern Division Pteridophyta US Nativity N/A US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution PR Growth Habit N/A D … USDA Plant Characteristics
Lastreopsis effusa — ID 45024 Symbol Key LAEF Common Name false shieldfern Family Dryopteridaceae Category Fern Division Pteridophyta US Nativity Native to U.S. US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution PR Growth Habit Forb/herb Duration … USDA Plant Characteristics