- shellack
- 1. [ʃəʹlæk] = shellac I и II 2. [ʃəʹlæk] = shellac I и II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
shellack — 1. noun a) a type of lac or vanish b) to get defeated in competition 2. verb a) to apply shellack on something b) to beat repeatedly … Wiktionary
shellack — [Ja”laek] tv. to beat someone; to outscore someone. (See also shellacked; shellacking.) □ We’re gonna shellack those bums Friday night. □ We’ll be shellacking every team in the league this year … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
shellack — n. lac that has been purified and processed into thin sheets or flakes; varnish made from processed lac dissolved in alcohol (also shellac) … English contemporary dictionary
shellack — defeat in a game, win by many points The Bears were shellacked by the Pirates. The score was 19 2 … English idioms
shellack — shel·lack … English syllables
shellack — s ( en) (el. schellack) … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
shellack — verb cover with shellac She wanted to shellac the desk to protect it from water spots • Syn: ↑shellac • Derivationally related forms: ↑shellac (for: ↑shellac) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
МИКРООРГАНИЗМЫ — МИКРООРГАНИЗМЫ. Содержание: Классификация.................107 Таблицы микробов: I. Патогенные бактерии..........115 II. Спирохеты................179 III. Молочнокислые бактерии........183 IV. Главнейшие виды бактерий, вызывающих уксуснокислое… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
David Geiser — (born June 18, 1948) is an American painter and creator of several underground comix. Life and works David Geiser is an abstract expressionist painter, born in Rochester, New York in 1948. He studied at the University of Vermont, École des Beaux… … Wikipedia
Bride (parish) — Bride ( gv. Bride), named after St Bridget, is a parish in the Sheading of Ayre and lies in the extreme north of the Isle of Man. The parish lies to the east of Andreas and to the north of Lezayre, bordering the sea to the east. The parish covers … Wikipedia
Roost Records — Stan Getz Roost Records 78er Shellack „Penny“ Roost Records ist ein US amerikanisches Jazz Labels. Geschichte des Plattenlabels Das Schallplattenlabel Roost Records (bekannt auch unter dem Namen Royal Roost Records) wurde im Jahr 1949 in erster… … Deutsch Wikipedia